Accessing the Display Value of the Selected Item(s) in a List Field

When your object contains a single-selection fixed-choice list field named SomeListField, you can use the getSelectedListDisplayValue() function to access the description that corresponds to the current field's code value.

The function takes a single argument that is the name of the list field for whose selected value you want the description. For example, consider a single-selection fixed-choice field called RequestStatus. You could write conditional logic based on the selected status' description string using code like this:

def meaning = getSelectedListDisplayValue('RequestStatus')
if (meaning.contains("Emergency")) {
	  // do something here when description contains the string "Emergency"

If your object contains a multiple-selection fixed-choice field named MultiChoiceField , you can use the getSelectedListDisplayValues() function to access a list of the descriptions that correspond to the current field's one or more selected code values. As above, the function takes a single argument that is the name of the multiple-selection fixed-choice list for whose selected values you want the descriptions. For example, consider a custom multiple-selection fixed-choice list named Category_c. You could write conditional logic based on the selected status' description string using code like this:

// return true if any of the selected meanings contains the
// string "wood" case-insensitively (using Groovy regular expressions)
def meaningsList = getSelectedListDisplayValues('Category_c')
for (meaning in meaningsList) {
  // if current meaning contains "wood" case-insensitively
  if (meaning =~ /(?i)wood/) {
     return true
return false

If you call the multi-selection list function getSelectedListDisplayValues() on a single-selection list field, it returns a list containing a single value. If you call the single-selection list function getSelectedListDisplayValue() on a multi-selection list field, it returns the String value of the first of the multiple choices selected. If you call either of these functions on a list field whose value is null or whose value is not a valid choice for the list, then the function returns null.