Browsing Available Web Service Methods

When writing your scripts, the Web Services tab in the expression builder shown in the figure below displays the available web service methods for a given web service.

The Web Services drop down list displays the set of registered web service variable names. After you select a particular web service, the Functions list displays the function names that are available to invoke for that service. As shown in the figure, after selecting a particular method, the Function Signature panel lists name of the expected arguments as well as their data types and that of the function's return value. In addition, a code example appears for each parameter that requires a Map value. It illustrates the structure the argument must have, include the map key names and expected data type of the map values for each key. You can copy and paste the variable definition statements into your code to replace the tokens like integerValue, booleanValue, and stringValue with appropriate literal values or expressions as necessary. Finally, click on the (Insert) button to insert the syntax to invoke the web service method.

Web Services Tab in Expression Builder Palette