Determining the State of a Row

A row of data can be in any one of the following states:

  • New

    A new row that will be inserted into the database during the next save operation.

  • Unmodified

    An existing row that has not been modified

  • Modified

    An existing row where one or more values has been changed and will be updated in the database during the next save operation

  • Deleted

    An existing row that will be deleted from the database during the next save operation

  • Dead

    A row that was new and got removed before being saved, or a deleted row after it has been saved

To determine the state of a row in your Groovy scripts, use the function getPrimaryRowState() and its related helper methods as shown in the following example.

// Only perform this business logic if the row is new
if (getPrimaryRowState().isNew()) 
  // conditional logic here

The complete list of helper methods that you can use on the return value of getPrimaryRowState() is shown below:

  • isNew()

    Returns boolean true if the row state is new, false otherwise.

  • isUnmodified()

    Returns boolean true if the row state is unmodified, false otherwise.

  • isModified()

    Returns boolean true if the row state is modified, false otherwise.

  • isDeleted()

    Returns boolean true if the row state is deleted, false otherwise.

  • isDead()

    Returns boolean true if the row state is dead, false otherwise.