Set Field Values in Bulk

Wherever possible in your code, for best performance set the values of all fields in a row in a single call to the setAttributeValuesFromMap() function.

Using these bulk-assignment functions saves processing time and can eliminate avoidable queries related to your Dynamic Choice List and Fixed Choice List attribute validation when compared to the equivalent job performed one field at a time.

For example, the following code examples sets the values of five fields of an existing staff member row. The code is using the queryRow() helper function described in Simplifying Business Logic Queries to find the row by employee id
// Find an existing staff member by the indexed primary key field EmployeeId
// Then bulk-assign 5 field values whose names are also included in the
// view object's select list to avoid unnecessary "fault-in" queries.
def emp = adf.util.queryRow(
                     from: 'StaffMember',
                    where: 'EmployeeId = :id',
                    binds: [id: 123456789]) 
if (emp) {
                Email: emp.Email.replace('',''),
              CarMake: 'VW',
             CarModel: 'GLF',
             Vacation: 160,
          AccrualDate: today())
When creating a new row, you can accomplish the same bulk assignment task using the createAndInitRowFromMap() function. The following example creates a new staff member assigning all fields in bulk:
def emps = newView('StaffMember')
// Insert a new staff member, setting all necessary fields in bulk
                  Email: '',
                CarMake: 'AUD',
               CarModel: 'A8',
               Vacation: 200,
            AccrualDate: today()))

Both examples in this section illustrate Groovy's support for removing the square brackets around a literal Map passed inline to a function with a leading Map argument. To learn more about how your own functions can leverage this feature, see Using Optional, Named Method Arguments.

When writing generic helper code, if you find it more convenient to process the field names to assign and corresponding values to assign in separate lists, then consider using the setAttributeValues() function. The example below shows how it may fit your situation better than setAttributeValuesFromMap(). This alternative function accomplishes the same performance improvement.
// void doBulkAssignment(Object row, List fieldNames, List fieldValues)
// accepting row to assign, field names and field values as separate Lists
if (fieldNames.size() == fieldValues.size()) {
  row.setAttributeValues(fieldNames, fieldValues)
else {
  adf.util.error("Must supply same number of fields and values to assign!")