
Throughout the document the term script is used to describe one or more lines of Groovy code that your application using Oracle business objects executes at runtime. Often a very-short script is all that is required.

For example, to validate that a CommissionPercentage field's value does not exceed 40%, you might use a one-line script like:

return CommissionPercentage < 0.40

In fact, this one-liner can be conveniently shortened by dropping the return keyword since the return keyword is always implied on the last line of a script:

CommissionPercentage < 0.40

For slightly more complicated logic, your script might require some conditional handling. For example, suppose the maximum commission percentage is 40% if the salesperson's job grade is less than or equal to 3, but 60% if the job grade is higher. Your script would grow a little to look like this:

if (JobGrade <= 3) {
  return CommissionPercentage < 0.40
else {
  return CommissionPercentage < 0.60

Scripts that you'll write for other purposes like complex validation rules or reusable functions may span multiple pages, depending on your needs.

When a context requiring a Groovy script will typically use a short (often, one-line) script, we emphasize that fact by calling it an expression, however technically the terms script and expression are interchangeable. Anywhere you can provide a one-line expression is also a valid context for providing a multi-line script if the need arises. Whether you provide a short expression or a multi-line script, the syntax and features at your disposal are the same. You need only pay attention that your code returns a value of the appropriate type for the context in which you use it. Each section below highlights the expected return type for the script in question.