Using Conditional Expressions

When you need to perform the conditional logic, you use the familiar if/else construct.

For example, in the text fragment example in the previous section, if the current object's ContactTwitterName returns null, then you won't want to include the static text related to a twitter name. You can accomplish this conditional text inclusion using if/else like this:

def textFragment = 'We will try to call you at ' + ContactPhoneNumber
if (ContactTwitterName != null) {
  textFragment += ', or send you a tweet at '+ContactTwitterName
else {
  textFragment += '. Give us your twitter name to get a tweet'
textFragment += '.' 

While sometimes the traditional if/else block is more easy to read, in other cases it can be quite verbose. Consider an example where you want to define an emailToUse variable whose value depends on whether the EmailAddress field ends with a .gov suffix. If the primary email ends with .gov, then you want to use the AlternateEmailAddress instead. Using the traditional if/else block your script would look like this:

// Define emailToUse variable whose value is conditionally
// assigned. If the primary email address contains a '.gov'
// domain, then use the alternate email, otherwise use the
// primary email.
def emailToUse
if (endsWith(EmailAddress,'.gov') {
  emailToUse = AlternateEmailAddress 
else {
  emailToUse = EmailAddress

Using Groovy's handy inline if / then / else operator, you can write the same code in a lot fewer lines:

def emailToUse = endsWith(EmailAddress,'.gov') ? AlternateEmailAddress : EmailAddress

The inline if / then / else operator has the following general syntax:

BooleanExpression ? If_True_Use_This_Expression : If_False_Use_This_Expression

Since you can use whitespace to format your code to make it more readable, consider wrapping inline conditional expressions like this:

def emailToUse = endsWith(EmailAddress,'.gov') 
                 ? AlternateEmailAddress 
                 : EmailAddress