Using the Related Object Accessor Field to Work with a Parent Object

When writing business logic in a child object like Activity, you can access its owning parent TroubleTicket object using the related object accessor field.

If the parent object is named TroubleTicket, the related object accessor field in Activity will be named TroubleTicket_c. It is best practice to always store the parent object in a local variable as shown in the example below. This ensures that no matter how many fields you access from the parent object or how many times you reference it that you only retrieve it once.

// Store the parent object in a local variable
def ticket = TroubleTicket_c
// Now reference one or more fields from the parent
if (ticket.Status_c == 'Working' && ticket.Priority_c >= 2) {
  // Do something here because the owning parent
  // trouble ticket is high priority and being worked on.

Notice that since the child object cannot exist without an owning parent object, the reference to the parent object will never be null, so here instead of the Groovy safe navigation operator (?.) we can just use the normal dot operator in the expression ticket.Status_c.