How Do I Give Users Access to Scheduled Processes?

By default, the Scheduled Processes work area is available only to users with roles that have the Manage Scheduled Processes (FND_MANAGE_SCHEDULED_PROCESSES_PRIV) privilege.

It's recommended that you keep things that way, which means you should follow these best practices:
  • Assign roles with the (FND_MANAGE_SCHEDULED_PROCESSES_PRIV) privilege only to users who need to run and manage scheduled processes. There's a limit to how many processes can run at the same time, so you want to make sure that users who don't need to run processes won't have access to the work area.
  • In the Structure work area, always leave these default settings for the Scheduled Processes page entry:
    • Show on Navigator list has EL Expression selected
    • The EL expression is:
Here are a few more things to remember:
  • In the Scheduled Processes work area, users can submit the processes they have access to and manage the processes they submitted themselves. Assign appropriate roles to users who also need to see and manage processes that others submitted.
  • The custom job definitions that you create or duplicate aren’t available for anyone to run by default. Same goes with custom job sets. Add the privilege associated with the custom job definition or job set to a custom role, and assign the role only to users who need to run the custom scheduled process.