Flexfield Usages

The flexfield usage specifies the table with which the flexfield and its segments are associated. A flexfield can have multiple usages. However, the first table registered for a flexfield indicates the primary usage. Segments are based on the primary usage.

Other usages of the same table for the same flexfield use the same segment setup, though the column names may have a differentiating prefix.

On the Manage Descriptive Flexfields and Manage Extensible Flexfields pages, click the Show Entity Usages icon for a specific flexfield to view its entity usage. On the Manage Value Sets page, you can view the flexfield usages for a selected value set.

Extensible Flexfields

For extensible flexfield contexts, you can configure a different usage. The use of an extensible flexfield context determines the scenarios or user interfaces in which the segments of a context appear to users. For example, the Supplier page displays an extensible flexfield's supplier usage and the Buyer page for the same flexfield displays the buyer usage. Then, a context that's associated only with the supplier usage appears only on the Supplier page and not on the Buyer page.

Value Sets

The use of value sets specifies the flexfields having segments where the identified value set is assigned.