How can I bulk update user preferences?

User preferences such as Language, Date Format, Time Zone are stored as profile options. You can use the import option on the Manage Administrator Profile Values task to bulk import these profile options and apply them to the user's profile.

Here are the profile options that affect user preferences, and can be imported using a text file:

  • Default Currency (FND_CURRENCY)

  • Default Date Format (FND_DATE_FORMAT)

  • Default Decimal Separator (FND_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR)

  • Display Name Language Preference (FND_DISPLAY_NAME_LANGUAGE)

  • Default Language (FND_LANGUAGE)

  • Default Number Format (FND_NUMBER_FORMAT)

  • Default Time Format (FND_TIME_FORMAT)

  • Default User Time Zone (FND_TIMEZONE)

  • Default Territory (FND_TERRITORY)

Before you begin, you must prepare the text file in the prescribed format, where the top row is the header and the rest are values for the profile option. For example, if you're importing profile values for territories, create the text file in the format:


You must have uploaded the text file to Oracle WebCenter Content so that you can import it. For instructions on uploading the file, see Overview of Files for Import and Export. For instructions on importing the file contents, see Import Profile Values.