Search for Workflow Tasks to Configure
Some workflow setup applies to all tasks, but most of the time you configure specific tasks. To work on a specific workflow task in BPM Worklist, you first run a search and then select the task from the search results.
In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Task Configurations task in the Application Extensions functional area. Or, depending on your offering, you might use a different functional area or another approval setup task.
In BPM Worklist, on the Task Configuration tab, run a search in the Tasks to be configured pane.
If you don't get any results, or the ones you want, change your search term and try again.
Here are some things to know about the search:
This searches against various attributes, for example the task title (the one on the General subtab that appears on the Task Configuration tab after you select a task from the search results), application name, and category. But, the search doesn't match against the task name you see in the search results.
The search is case-sensitive.
Search by * if you want all tasks in the search results.
Only default tasks are included in the search results. You can click Show and select the Active Versions check box to get both default and active tasks.