Configure the Security Console

Before you start using the Security Console, ensure that you run the background processes that refresh security data. You can use the Security Console Administration pages to select the general options, role-oriented options, and track the status of role-copy jobs.

You can also select, edit, or add notification templates.

Run the Background Processes

Here are the background processes you must run:

  • Retrieve Latest LDAP Changes - This process copies data from the LDAP directory to the Oracle Cloud Applications Security tables. Run this process once, before you start the implementation.

  • Import User and Role Application Security Data - This process imports users, roles, privileges, and data security policies from the identity store, policy store, and Oracle Cloud Applications Security tables. Schedule it to run regularly to update those tables.

To run the Retrieve Latest LDAP Changes process:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Run User and Roles Synchronization Process task in the Initial Users functional area.

  2. If you want to be notified when this process ends select the corresponding option.

  3. Click Submit.

  4. Review the confirmation message and click OK.

To run the Import User and Role Application Security Data process:

  1. Open the Scheduled Processes work area.
  2. In the Search Results section of the Overview page, click Schedule New Process.
  3. In the Schedule New Process dialog box, search for and select the Import User and Role Application Security Data process.
  4. Click OK.
  5. In the Process Details dialog box, click Advanced.
  6. On the Schedule tab, set Run to Using a schedule.
  7. Set Frequency to Daily and Days Between Runs to 1.
  8. Enter start and end dates and times. The start time should be after any daily run of the Send Pending LDAP Requests process completes.
  9. Click Submit.
  10. Click OK to close the confirmation message.

Configure the General Administration Options

  1. On the Security Console, click Administration.

  2. In the Certificate Preferences section, set the default number of days for which a certificate remains valid. Certificates establish keys for the encryption and decryption of data that Oracle Cloud applications exchange with other applications.

  3. In the Synchronization Process Preferences section, specify the number of hours since the last run of the Import User and Role Application Security Data process. When you select the Roles tab, a warning message appears if the process hasn't been run in this period.

Configure the Role Administration Options

  1. On the Security Console, click Administration.

  2. On the Roles tab, specify the prefix and suffix that you want to add to the name and code of role copies. Each role has a Role Name (a display name) and a Role Code (an internal name). A role copy takes up the name and code of the source role, with this prefix or suffix (or both) added. The addition distinguishes the copy from its source. By default, there is no prefix, the suffix for a role name is "Custom," and the suffix for a role code is "_CUSTOM."

  3. In the Graph Node Limit field, set the maximum number of nodes a visualization graph can display. When a visualization graph contains a greater number of nodes, the visualizer recommends the table view.

  4. Deselect Enable default table view, if you want the visualizations generated from the Roles tab to have the radial graph view.

View the Role Status

  1. On the Security Console, click Administration.

  2. On the Role Status tab, you can view records of jobs to copy roles. These jobs are initiated on the Roles page. Job status is updated automatically until a final status, typically Completed, is reached.

  3. Click the Delete icon to delete the row representing a copy job.