Import Users in Bulk Using a Spreadsheet

This example shows how to import worker users from legacy applications to Oracle Fusion Applications.

The following table summarizes key decisions for this task.

Decisions to Consider

In This Example

What's my spreadsheet name?

You can define your own naming convention. In this example, the name is selected to make identifying the spreadsheet contents easy.


For example, Workers042713Batch01.xlsx.

What's my batch name?

You can define your own batch name, which must be unique.


Summary of the Tasks

Import worker users by:

  1. Selecting the Import Worker Users task

  2. Creating the spreadsheet

  3. Entering worker data in the spreadsheet

  4. Importing worker data and correcting import errors

  5. Reviewing and correcting load errors


Before you can complete this task, you must have:

  1. Installed the desktop client Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Add-in for Excel

  2. Enabled the Trust Center setting Trust access to the VBA project object model in Microsoft Excel

Selecting the Import Worker Users Task

  1. On the Overview page of the Setup and Maintenance work area, click the All Tasks tab.

  2. In the Search region, complete the fields as shown in this table.






    Import Worker Users

  3. Click Search.

  4. In the search results, click Go to Task for the task Import Worker Users.

    The Initiate Spreadsheet Load page opens.

    Alternatively, you can select the Import Worker Users task from an implementation project.

Creating the Spreadsheet

  1. On the Initiate Spreadsheet Load page, find the entry for Create Worker in the list of business objects.

    Create Worker appears after other business objects such as departments, locations, and jobs. You must create those business objects before worker users, regardless of how you create them.

  2. Click Create Spreadsheet for the Create Worker entry.

  3. When prompted, save the spreadsheet locally using the name Workers042713Batch01.xlsx.

  4. When prompted, sign in to Oracle Fusion Applications using your Oracle Fusion user name and password.

Entering Worker Data in the Spreadsheet

  1. In the Batch Name field of the spreadsheet Workers042713Batch01.xlsx, replace the default batch name with the batch name Workers042713Batch01.

  2. If your data includes flexfields, then click Configure Flexfield to configure flexfield data. Otherwise, go to step 5 of this task.

  3. In the Configure Flexfield window, select an attribute value and click OK.

  4. See the Flexfields Reference tab for information about the configured flexfield.

  5. Enter worker data in the spreadsheet.

    Ensure that you provide any required values and follow instructions in the spreadsheet for creating rows.

Importing Worker Data and Correcting Import Errors

Use the default values except where indicated.

  1. In the workers spreadsheet, click Upload.

  2. In the Upload Options window, click OK.

    As each row of data uploads to the Load Batch Data stage tables, its status updates.

  3. When uploading completes, identify any spreadsheet rows with the status Insert Failed, which indicates that the row didn't import to the stage tables.

  4. For any row that failed, double-click the status value to display a description of the error.

  5. Correct any import errors and click Upload again to import the remaining rows to the same batch.

    As rows import successfully to the stage tables, the data loads automatically to the application tables.

Reviewing and Correcting Load Errors

  1. In the spreadsheet, click Refresh to display latest load status.

    Any errors that occur during the load process appear in the spreadsheet.

  2. Correct any load errors in the spreadsheet.

  3. Repeat this process from Importing Worker Data and Correcting Import Errors until all spreadsheet rows both import and load successfully.

  4. Close the spreadsheet.

    To load a second batch of worker users on the same date, increment the batch number in the spreadsheet and batch names (for example, Workers042713Batch02).