Visualization Table Display Options

A visualization table contains records of roles, privileges, or users related to a security item you select.

The table displays records for only one type of item at a time:

  • If you select a privilege as the focus of your visualization, select the Expand Toward Users option. Otherwise the table shows no results. Then use the Show option to list records of either roles or users who inherit the privilege.

  • If you select a user as the focus of your visualization, select the Expand Toward Privileges option. Otherwise the table shows no results. Then use the Show option to list records of either roles or privileges assigned to the user.

  • If you select any type of role or an aggregate privilege as the focus of your visualization, you can expand in either direction.

    • If you expand toward privileges, use the Show option to list records of either roles lower in hierarchy, or privileges related to your focus role.

    • If you expand toward users, use the Show option to list records of either roles higher in hierarchy, or users related to your focus role.

Tables are all-inclusive:

Table Name

What it displays


Records for all roles related directly or indirectly to your focus item. For each role, inheritance columns specify the name and code of a directly related role.


Records for all privileges related directly or indirectly to your focus item. For each privilege, inheritance columns display the name and code of a role that directly owns the privilege.


Records for all user assigned roles related directly or indirectly to your focus item. For each user, Assigned columns display the name and code of a role assigned directly to the user.

The table columns are search-enabled. Enter the search text in a column field to get the records matching your search text. You can export a table to Excel.