REST Resources and Supported Operations

Because the Common Features guide includes REST resources from multiple cloud services, you may find it useful to read this topic to understand how they differ.

Review the list that captures the types of resources in this guide, their functionality, the REST end points, and the HTTP methods, query parameters, and the framework they support.

  • Implementation and Administration Resources: Allows you to maintain application data and export and import setup data.
  • System for Cross-Domain Identity Management (SCIM) Resources: Allows you to manage users and roles. Enables you to keep track of changes made to feed-enabled user requests resource.
    • Resource list: Bulk, Resource Types, Roles, Schemas, User Requests, and Users
    • Path: /hcmRestApi/scim/<resource-name>
    • Supported HTTP methods: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE.
    • Supported collection resource parameters:
      • attributes parameter for querying
      • filter parameter for filtering
      • count and startIndex parameters for paginated response
      • sortBy parameter for sorting the response items
    • ADF REST framework version: not applicable
  • Business Process Management (BPM) Resources: Allows you to manage tasks and view workflow task lists.
    • Resource list: Manage Tasks
    • Path: /bpm/api/<version>/<resource-name>
    • Supported HTTP methods: GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.
    • Supported collection resource parameters:
      • limit and offset parameters for paginated response
      • orderBy parameter for sorting the response items
      • See Query Parameters section for the Get and Get all methods of each resource. For example, use priority query parameter for Get a task list to query tasks with priority 2, /bpm/api/4.0/tasks?priority=2.
    • ADF REST framework version: not applicable