Business Intelligence Publisher Secured List Views

Oracle Analytics Publisher is a set of tools for creating formatted reports based on data models.

You can access Analytics Publisher from Business Intelligence Composer or the Business Intelligence Catalog by clicking NewReport . This topic describes how you can use secured list views to secure access to data in Business Intelligence reports.

Some reporting tools combine the data model, layout, and translation in one report file. With that approach, business-intelligence administrators must maintain multiple copies of the same report to support minor changes. By contrast, Analytics Publisher separates the data model, layout, and translation. Therefore, reports can be:

  • Generated and consumed in many output formats, such as PDF and spreadsheet

  • Scheduled for delivery to e-mail, printers, and so on

  • Printed in multiple languages by adding translation files

  • Scheduled for delivery to multiple recipients

Analytics Publisher Data Security and Secured List Views

When you create a Analytics Publisher data model with physical SQL, you have two options.

You can:

  1. Select data directly from a database table, in which case the data you return isn't subject to data-security restrictions. Because you can create data models on unsecured data, you're recommended to minimize the number of users who can create data models.

  2. Join to a secured list view in your select statements. The data returned is determined by the security profiles that are assigned to the roles of the user who's running the report.