Security Visualizations

A Security Console visualization graph consists of nodes that represent security items. These may be users, roles, privileges, or aggregate privileges. Arrows connect the nodes to define relationships among them.

You can trace paths from any item in a role hierarchy either toward users who are granted access or toward the privileges roles can grant.

You can select one of the following two views:

  • Radial: Nodes form circular (or arc) patterns. The nodes in each circular pattern relate directly to a node at the center. That focal node represents the item you select to generate a visualization, or one you expand in the visualization.

  • Layers: Nodes form a series of horizontal lines. The nodes in each line relate to one node in the previous line. This is the item you select to generate a visualization, or the one you expand in the visualization.

For example, a job role might consist of several duty roles. You might select the job role as the focus of a visualization (and set the Security Console to display paths leading toward privileges):

  • The Radial view initially shows nodes representing the duty roles encircling a node representing the job role.

  • The Layers view initially shows the duty-role nodes in a line after the job-role node.

You can then manipulate the image, for example, by expanding a node to display the items it consists of.

Alternatively, you can generate a visualization table that lists items related to an item you select. For example, a table may list the roles that descend from a role you select, or the privileges inherited by the selected role. You can export tabular data to an Excel file.