View Locked Users and Unlock Users

A user gets locked in the application on entering incorrect password for multiple times. The locked users report provides the list of locked users for both these scenarios.

You can get a list of locked users using the Locked Users scheduled process. You can then manually unlock the users using the Security Console. Only an administration user with the IT Security Manager job role can run the locked users report.

View Locked Users

  1. In the Scheduled Processes work area, click Schedule New Process.

  2. Search and select the Locked Users process and click OK.

  3. In the Process Details dialog box, click Submit.

  4. Click OK in the confirmation message dialog box.

  5. Click Succeeded for the selected Locked Users report.

  6. In the Log and Output section, click Attachment to download the report spreadsheet.

    The spreadsheet shows the list of users who are locked.

The Locked Users spreadsheet contains the following two tabs:

  • LOCKED_USERS_<Request ID> - This tab contains the list of locked and active users who can't sign in to the application because of locked status.

  • LOCKED_AND_INACTIVE_USERS_<Request ID> - This tab contains list of locked and inactive users who can't sign in to the application because of locked and inactive status.

Unlock Users

  1. On the Security Console, click Users.

  2. From the Search drop-down list, select Locked Users and click the search icon.

    All the locked users are displayed.

  3. Click the display name of a user to view the details.

  4. Click Edit.

  5. In the Account Information section, deselect Locked.

  6. Click Save and Close.

  7. Click Done.

    The user is unlocked and can sign in to the application.