Why can't a user access a task?

If a task doesn't appear in a user's task list, you may need to provision roles to the user.

A position or job and its included duties determine the tasks that users can perform. Provisioned roles provide access to tasks through the inherited duty roles.

The duty roles in a role hierarchy carry privileges to access functions and data. You don't assign duty roles directly to users. Instead, duty roles are assigned to job or abstract roles in a role hierarchy. If the duties assigned to a predefined job role don't match the corresponding job in your enterprise, you can create copies of job roles and add duties to or remove duties from the copy.

Note: You can't change predefined roles to add or remove duties. In the Security Console, you can identify predefined roles by the ORA_ prefix in the Role Code field. Create copies and update the copies instead.

Users are generally provisioned with roles based on role provisioning rules. If a user requests a role to access a task, always review the security reference implementation to determine the most appropriate role.