Additional Common and Advanced Setup Tasks

Besides the tasks explained in this guide, Application Composer includes several other tasks that are available as nodes under Common Setup and Advanced Setup.

You can refer to the following sections for a list of these tasks and where you can find more information about them.

Common Setup

The following table lists the additional common setup nodes that are explained in detail in other guides:



Mobile Application Setup

See the "Get Started" and "Configure the App" sections of the Mobile Applications chapter in the Implementing Sales guide.

Productivity Applications Setup

See the "Configure Oracle CX Sales for Microsoft 365" topic of the Extend Microsoft 365 chapter in the Implementing Sales guide.

Oracle Sales Assistant Setup

See the "Sales Assistant" chapter of the Implementing Sales and Using Sales guides.

Notification Preferences

See the "Set Notification Triggers and Preferences" section of the Configure Notifications chapter in the Implementing Fusion Service guide.

Advanced Setup

The following table lists the additional advanced setup nodes that are explained in detail in other guides:



Copy Maps

See the "Use Copy Maps" chapter of the Implementing Sales guide.

Data Quality Rules

See the "Configure Predefined Data Quality Rules to Your Requirements in Application Composer" topic of the Duplicate Resolution Setup chapter in the Implementing Customer Data Management (CDM) guide.