Configure Page Titles for Details Pages

Do your end users identify an opportunity by its number?

In that case, instead of having them navigate to the opportunity details each time to determine the opportunity number, configure the custom details page layout to display the opportunity number in the page title itself. Thus, giving your users quick and easy access to more relevant information about the record.

You can replace the default page title of a standard or custom object's custom details page with a field's value and its label, or just the field's value. You can also reset the title to its default value.

To modify the default title of an object's custom details page:

  1. In Application Composer, expand the object and click the Pages node.

  2. On the Application Pages tab, navigate to the Details Page Layouts section, and click the custom page layout whose title you want to change.

  3. On the selected custom layout page, click the edit icon next to the Page Title field.

    The Edit Page Title dialog opens.

  4. From the Add Field drop-down list, select the field whose value you want to display in the page title.

  5. To display the field's label as well, select Show Field Label.

  6. Click OK.

    The page title changes to the selected field's value and label (if opted for) at runtime.

  7. To reset the title to the default title that was shipped with the product, click the Reset to Default Page Title icon.