Currency Fields

Using Application Composer, you can extend an application's object model by adding new fields to both standard or custom objects. One such field is a currency field, where users in the runtime application can enter a currency amount.

Currency Field Properties

Create a currency field by specifying values for the common set of field properties, such as display label and field name. You also set properties for this field that are specific to the currency field type.

The following table shows properties that are common across multiple field types:

Field Property

Field Property Region



Help Text


Display Width


Note: Do not use. A field's display width is dynamically calculated based on the field type and resolution.













Fixed Value

Default Value


Default Value

The following table shows properties that are unique to certain field types, including currency fields:

Field Property

Field Property Region

Maximum Length

Specify how many digits a user can enter in the field.

The maximum length is the total number of digits that the currency field can have. Decimal places are validated against what's configured for the currency code in Setup and Maintenance. Refer to the following section for setup instructions.


Minimum Value

The minimum numeric value that a user can enter into this field.


Maximum Value

The maximum numeric value that a user can enter into this field.


Additional Currency Field Specifications

Additional specifications for this field type include the following details:

  • Data type is NUMBER.

  • An object can have a total of 625 fields. Of these, 200 are reserved for number, currency, and percentage fields.

    Note: Each currency field uses two number type columns: one stores the amount itself, and the other stores the currency conversion rate that's calculated from the entered amount's currency code to the corporate currency code.
  • An object includes the following fields to assist with currency conversion. These fields are automatically added to an object if the object's application allows the creation of currency fields. They are derived from the application's corporate currency setup.

    • Currency code

      The currency code for all of an object's currency fields.

    • Corporate currency code

    • The currency conversion rate type.

    Currency conversion for a currency field occurs as follows:

    • At runtime, the user enters the currency amount.

    • When the user saves the record:

      • The currency amount is stored using the currency code specified for the object.

      • The application calculates the currency conversion rate using the object's currency code, corporate currency code, currency conversion rate type, and the currency field's specified exchange date, if any.

        In addition to the entered amount, only the conversion rate that's calculated from the entered amount's currency code to the corporate currency code is stored.

      • If you later change either the currency code or exchange date, the application recalculates the currency conversion rate for the record. Note, however, that the currency amount displayed on the application page won't change.

    Note: When you run a report based on a custom subject area that uses a currency field, the report does display your preferred currency based on the current exchange rate. Again, this is different from how currency amounts are displayed at runtime on application pages, because currency fields only ever display in the entered amount, even if the currency conversion rate for the record changes.
  • Precision, or the number of decimal points, for a currency field is derived from the currency code itself. To set the precision for a currency code in Oracle CX Sales, for example:

    1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, select the following:

      • Offering: Sales

      • Functional Area: Sales Foundation

      • Task: Manage Currencies (under All Tasks)

        The Manage Currencies page appears.

    2. In the Currency Code field, enter a currency code, such as JPY.

    3. In the Search Results region, expand the currency code and enter a number into the Precision field.

      For example, to display two decimal places for currency fields based on JPY, enter 2 in the Precision field for the JPY currency code.