Number Fields

Using Application Composer, you can extend an application's object model by adding fields to both standard or custom objects. One such field is a number field, where users in the runtime application can enter a number.

Number Field Properties

Create a number field by specifying values for the common set of field properties, such as display label and field name. You also set properties for this field that are specific to the number field type.

The following table shows properties that are common across multiple field types:

Field Property

Field Property Region



Help Text


Display Width


Note: Do not use. A field's display width is dynamically calculated based on the field type and resolution.













Fixed Value

Default Value


Default Value

The following table shows properties that are unique to certain field types, including number fields:

Field Property

Field Property Region

Decimal Places

The number of digits that can be entered and displayed to the right of the decimal point. If at runtime, a user enters more digits after the decimal point, then Application Composer rounds up (using the tie-breaking rule, round half up) to derive the field's value.

For example, if you enter 2 for the number of decimal places, then at runtime, an entry of 4.986 is displayed as 4.99.


Maximum Length

The number of digits a user can enter in the field. This number should be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to 38.

Maximum Length - Decimal Places = the number of digits that can appear to the left of the decimal point.

Don't set a maximum length shorter than the number of decimal places.


Minimum Value

The minimum numeric value that a user can enter into this field.


Maximum Value

The maximum numeric value that a user can enter into this field.


Additional Number Field Specifications

Additional specifications for this field type include the following details:

  • Data type is NUMBER.

  • An object can have a total of 625 fields. Of these, 200 fields are reserved for number, currency, and percentage fields.

    Note: Of the 200 fields reserved for number, currency, and percentage fields, 15 fields are reserved for indexed number fields in a custom parent object (10 fields for custom child objects). This means you can create a total of 185 non-indexed fields. For standard objects, you can index two text fields and three number fields (shared among number, percentage, and currency fields). Note that you can index up to 8 number fields for the Opportunity object, and up to 16 number fields for the Sales Lead object.
  • Leading zeros are removed.