Record Type Fields

Using Application Composer, you can add a record type field to both standard or custom objects. A record type field contains a list of static values which are populated from FND lookup types.

This type of field is useful because you can associate each choice list value with a role or a page layout. Associating a choice list value with a role means that only users with that role can see the choice list value. Associating a choice list value with a page layout means that once that value is selected at runtime, the associated page layout displays. This makes a record type field more powerful than a fixed choice list field or a dynamic choice list field.

Using Record Type Fields

Create a record type field, so that you can associate each choice list value with a role or a page layout.

You can:

  • Associate each choice list value with a role.

    1. You do this while you're creating the field.

    2. At runtime, when an end user views the list of values in the field, the available choices are constrained according to the user's role.

    Custom roles, which are copies of the predefined roles that Oracle provides for all customers, are displayed by default. However, you can optionally choose to display predefined roles, as well.

  • Associate each choice list value with a page layout.

    1. You do this by adding the field to a application page layout, after you have created the field.

    2. You must then assign a choice list value to the page layout.

    3. At runtime, when an end user selects a value from the field, the page display changes to match the application page layout that you associated with the choice list value.

Note: You can create only one record type field per object, and only once the object has a work area. If the object's work area hasn't been created yet, then you must create the work area first, before creating the record type field.

Record Type Field Properties

Create a record type field by specifying values for the common set of field properties, such as display label and field name. You also set properties for this field that are specific to the record type field type.

The following properties are common across multiple field types:

Field Property

Field Property Region



Help Text


Display Width


Note: Do not use. A field's display width is dynamically calculated based on the field type and resolution.











Fixed Value

Default Value

The following properties are unique to only certain field types, including record type fields:

Field Property

Field Property Region

Lookup Type

Selecting the lookup type is possible only during field creation.

List of Values

Available Record Types

Indicate the choice list values that each role has access to.

For example, perhaps the sales representative can see only selected choice list values, but the sales manager can see all the choice list values.


Default Record Type

Indicate the choice list value that each role will see by default at runtime.


Using the List of Values Region

The values in a record type field are populated from FND lookup types. Select the lookup type whose values you want to display in this choice list.

You can also select a lookup type and select the Edit icon to modify the existing values.

Note: The lookup types available for selection are limited to:

Or, create a new lookup type and add new values to it.

Additional Record Type Field Specifications

Additional specifications for this field type include the following details:

  • Data type is VARCHAR2 (1500).

  • A record type field is optional, and isn't required for an object.

  • One record type field is allowed per object, and it will be one of the 350 fields reserved for text and check box fields, and fixed and dynamic choice lists.