Why did my Groovy expression time out?

In general, avoid writing Groovy scripts that might require more than 60 seconds to complete.

A timeout of 60,000 milliseconds (60 seconds) is configured for Groovy expressions. If the expression requires more than 60 seconds to complete, an expression timeout (oracle.jbo.ExprTimeoutException) occurs and an error message is displayed.

For example:

Exception in expression "<object name>" object function <function name> : oracle.jbo.ExprTimeoutException Expression timed out. at "<object name>" object function <function name>  line <line number>

The location where the error message is displayed depends on where the Groovy expression was executed.

If the Groovy expression is executed as a result of...

The error message appears in...

A UI operation

The UI.

A Web service update

The Web service client.

A workflow invocation

The error message is hidden from the end user.

Common situations where the Groovy expression timeout might be encountered include:

  • If the Groovy expression attempts to iterate over a large collection of records, a Groovy timeout error might occur. In such a situation, any records that were initially modified are not actually committed.

    For example, let's say that the following expression times out:

    def vo=newView('TestCO_c')
    def curRow=vo.next()
    println(curRow.RecordName+":" + result)

    Inspection of the println statements reveals that the setAttribute() operation was performed on a few records. However, if the timeout occurs while the Groovy execution is still in progress, none of the changes made are committed.

  • If the Groovy expression calls a Web service, and if the Web service operation takes more than 60 seconds, a Groovy timeout error might occur. However, because the commit is part of the Web service, the commit will occur after the Web service operation is completed.

    def response=adf.webServices.WS.Operation(<payload>);