Why are some items not displayed in my Watchlist?

Items might be hidden based on your Watchlist preferences. These preferences also apply to saved searches that you're using as Watchlist items.

To review your preferences, select your user name or image in the global header, and go to Personalization > Set Preferences > Watchlist.

Here are some other possibilities:

  • You deselected saved searches in the Manage Watchlist dialog box, so they're no longer used as Watchlist items.

  • You deleted saved searches that were used as Watchlist items.

  • Your administrator disabled specific predefined Watchlist items or categories for all users.

  • Your administrator disabled using saved searches (from specific pages) as Watchlist items.

  • Your administrator revoked access to tasks or pages that used to be available to you.

In these cases, you can no longer see the corresponding Watchlist items in your Watchlist and in your Watchlist preferences.