Why are work area icons appearing at the top level instead of appearing within a group on the home page with panel or banner layout?

By default, some work area icons appear after you click the corresponding group icon on the panel or banner layout of your home page.

Depending on what you have access to, these work area icons can actually appear at the top level (not in a group) as described in this table.

What You Have Access To

How You See Work Area Icons

Only one work area within a specific group

That one icon is displayed at the top level

Less than 16 work areas total, with duplicate work areas, that means, multiple work areas with the same name

These work area icons appear in their respective groups

16 or fewer work areas total, which are all unique

All these icons appear at the top level

14 or fewer work areas total outside the Configuration group and the Tools group

These icons appear at the top level, and only the icons within the Configuration and Tools groups remain in the respective groups