Application Diagnostics Regular User (Job Role)

Runs diagnostic tests. Reviews diagnostic test results. Does not schedule diagnostic tests or add test results to application incidents..

Role Hierarchy

The Application Diagnostics Regular User job role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.

  • Application Diagnostics Regular User
    • Application Diagnostics Data Regular

    • Application Diagnostics Regular User
      • Application Diagnostic Test Execution

      • Application Diagnostics Viewer
        • Application Diagnostic Test Reporting

    • Application Diagnostics Viewer
      • Application Diagnostics Data Viewer

      • Application Diagnostics Viewer
        • Application Diagnostic Test Reporting


This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Application Diagnostics Regular User job role.

Duty Role Description

Application Diagnostic Test Execution

Selects and runs diagnostic tests, enters input parameters for diagnostic test runs.

Application Diagnostic Test Reporting

Reviews diagnostic test run status and test reports.

Application Diagnostics Data Regular

Runs application diagnostic test data and views application diagnostic test report data.

Application Diagnostics Data Viewer

Views application diagnostic test report data.

Application Diagnostics Regular User

Selects and runs diagnostic tests. Reviews diagnostic test status and reports. Does not schedule diagnostic tests or add test results to application incidents.

Application Diagnostics Viewer

Reviews diagnostic test run status and test results.


This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Application Diagnostics Regular User job role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege Privilege Description

Application Diagnostic Test Execution

Selects and runs diagnostic tests, enters input parameters for diagnostic test runs.

Cancel Application Diagnostic Test Run

Privilege to cancel a test run submitted from the run test.

Application Diagnostic Test Execution

Selects and runs diagnostic tests, enters input parameters for diagnostic test runs.

Run Application Diagnostic Test

Privilege to enter input parameters and run diagnostic test. This privilege does not allow user to view diagnostic test results.

Application Diagnostic Test Reporting

Reviews diagnostic test run status and test reports.

View Application Diagnostic Run Status

Privilege to view diagnostic test execution and diagnostic status.

Application Diagnostic Test Reporting

Reviews diagnostic test run status and test reports.

View Application Diagnostic Test Report

Privilege to view diagnostic test execution summary and detail reports.

Application Diagnostics Viewer

Reviews diagnostic test run status and test results.

Access Application Diagnostic Dashboard

Privilege to access Diagnostics Dashboard from global help menu.

Application Diagnostics Viewer

Reviews diagnostic test run status and test results.

Search Application Diagnostic Test

Privilege to access Diagnostics home page, search tests by name, search tests by tags, and view test details.

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Application Diagnostics Regular User job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Diagnostic Test

An Application Diagnostics Regular User can execute application diagnostic test for all tests

Role: Application Diagnostics Data Regular

Privilege: Execute Application Diagnostic Test (Data)

Resource: Application Diagnostic Test

Application Diagnostic Test

An Application Diagnostics Regular User can view application diagnostic test report for all tests

Role: Application Diagnostics Data Regular

Privilege: View Application Diagnostic Test Report (Data)

Resource: Application Diagnostic Test

Application Diagnostic Test

An Application Diagnostics Regular User can view application diagnostic test report for all tests

Role: Application Diagnostics Data Viewer

Privilege: View Application Diagnostic Test Report (Data)

Resource: Application Diagnostic Test