Appearance Settings for Classic Themes

Let's take a look at the various appearance settings that you can configure for your application while creating and editing classic themes.

Note: The images you use for your application must not have any spaces in their file names.

General Settings




Default Home Layout

The default layout of the home page.

  • Panel

  • Banner

  • News feed

Based on your selected layout, the look and feel of the home page changes.

  • If you select news feed layout, your home page mainly contains the Apps section with work area icons arranged in tabs, and a few other sections for things to finish, announcements, and analytics.

  • If you select panel or banner layout, your home page mainly contains the page control to navigate to the infolets, the work area icons (standalone or in groups), and the panel or banner displaying information, such as company announcements.


The type of location where your logo for the global header is stored. You can browse and select your logo from that location.

  • File

  • Predefined

  • URL

Configure bookmark icon for desktop

Selecting this check box displays the Desktop Icon list for you to choose a bookmark icon for your desktop.

  • Checked

  • Unchecked

Desktop Icon

The bookmark icon that appears on your desktop.

This list is available only if you selected the Configure bookmark icon for desktop check box.

  • URL

  • File

Configure shortcut icon for mobile

Selecting this check box displays the Mobile Icon list for you to choose a shortcut icon for your mobile device.

  • Checked

  • Unchecked

Mobile Icon

The shortcut icon that appears on your mobile device.

This list is available only if you selected the Configure shortcut icon for mobile check box.

  • URL

  • File

Background Image

The type of location where your background image of all application pages is stored.

You can browse and select the image from that location.

  • None

  • File

  • Predefined

  • URL

Repeat Image

Selecting this check box repeats the specified background image to display it both vertically and horizontally in the background of all application pages.

  • Checked

  • Unchecked

Background Image Position

The position of the background image for all application pages.

  • Center

  • Start

Global Region

The background color of the global header, which is the uppermost region in the UI.

Color palette

Global Region Background Color

The background color of the global header, which is the uppermost region in the UI.

Color palette

Global Text and Icon Color

The color of the text that appear in general and with icons in the global header. This excludes the company logo.
Note: Make sure you select dark colors for global text and icons because selecting lighter colors might impact the visibility of these UI elements.

Color palette

Enable color gradient

Selecting this check box enables color gradient for global text and icons. This excludes the company logo.

  • Checked

  • Unchecked

Gradient Type

The gradient type for global text and icon colors. This excludes the company logo.

This field is available only if you enabled color gradient.

  • Top to bottom

  • Left to right

  • Top left to bottom right

  • Top right to bottom left

Start Color and End Color

The start and end colors of the gradient for global text and icon colors.

This field is available only if you enabled color gradient.

Color palette

Cover Image

The type of location where your cover image, which displays in the background of the home page panel or banner, is stored. You can browse and select the image from that location.

  • None

  • File

  • Predefined

  • URL

Based on the home page layout, this image appears at different locations on the home page.

  • Panel layout: This image appears on the main panel. The recommended image size is 344x622 px.

  • Banner layout: This image appears on the banner. The recommended image size is 2600x290 px.

  • News feed layout: This image appears in the Things to Finish section. The recommended image size is 2600x290 px.

Panel Style

Specifies the style for the main panel or banner on the home page.

This field is available only if you selected the default home page layout as Panel or Banner.

  • Light: Overlays a portion of the home page panel or banner with a semi-transparent white layer and makes the text on top of it black.

  • Dark: Overlays a portion of the home page panel or banner with a semi-transparent black layer and makes the text on top of it white.

Navigation Icons




Icon Type

The type of navigation icons on the home page.

  • Solid

  • Outlined


The size of the navigation icons on the home page.

This field is available only if you selected the default home page layout as Panel or Banner.

  • Extra large: Sets the size of the icons to 96px.

  • Large: Sets the size of the icons to 72px.

  • Medium: Sets the size of the icons to 64px.

  • Small: Sets the size of the icons to 48px.

Image Color

The image color of the navigation icon on the home page.

This field is available only if you selected the default home page layout as Panel or Banner.

Color palette

Group Indicator Icon

The color of the three dots that appear on certain icons on the home page to indicate that these icons are group icons.

Color palette

Label Color

The color of the label text of the navigation icons.

Color palette

Background Shape

The shape that displays behind the navigation icons.

  • None

  • Circle

  • Square

  • Rounded square

  • Transparent square

The Transparent square option is available only if you selected the default home page layout as News Feed.

Background Card Color

The background color of the navigation icons on the News Feed home page.

This field is available only if you selected:

  • The default home page layout as News Feed.

  • The background shape for navigation icons as Transparent square.

  • Light

  • Dark

Background Card Opacity

The background opacity of the navigation icons on the News Feed home page.

This field is available only if you selected:

  • The default home page layout as News Feed.

  • The background shape for navigation icons as Transparent square.

Any value between 1 and 99

Background Color

The color of the shape that displays behind the navigation icons.

This field isn't displayed if you have selected None or Transparent square as the background shape for the navigation icons.

Color palette

Page Settings




Heading color

The text color of the headers and subheaders of application pages.

Note: Avoid selecting lighter colors in the Heading Color field for configuring the text colors of page headers and subheaders. That’s because, in some cases, the lighter text color won’t be visible on the page background.

Color palette

Link Color

The color of the links that appear on the application pages.

Color palette

Selection Color

The color of the highlighted or selected UI element on all work areas related to employees, for example Personal Information, Benefits, and Absences. These UI elements are boxes, and each box represents an option, for example a specific part of your personal profile to update. This color applies to the border of the box and the selected check box (if any) inside the box.

Color palette

Highlight Color

The color used to highlight application items that need attention. For example, the part of the Notifications icon on the global header that displays the number of new notifications in your list.

Color palette

Card Style

The style of cards displayed on the application pages having a grid view.

  • Dark: Displays the cards with a white or light grey background color and dark text.

  • Light: Displays the cards with a dark grey background color and light text.

Landing Page Icons for Employees

The icon color of the landing pages for all work areas related to employees, for example Personal Information, Benefits, and Absences.

Color palette

Button Settings





The color of the label text of the buttons on all application pages.

Color palette


The color of the button borders on all application pages.

Color palette

Enable color gradient

Selecting this check box enables color gradient for buttons on all application pages.

This check box is available only if you selected the default home page layout as Panel or Banner.

  • Checked

  • Unchecked

Start Color and End Color

The start and end colors of the gradient for buttons on all application pages.

This field is available only if you enabled color gradient.

Color palette


The background color for buttons on all application pages.

This field isn't available if you enable color gradient for buttons.

Color palette

Corner Rounding

The extent to which the corners of the buttons on all application pages are rounded.

  • None: Removes corner rounding from all buttons, which means applies a rectangular shape to all buttons.

  • Small: Applies a very small curve to the corners of all buttons.

  • Medium: Applies a moderate curve to the corners of all buttons.

  • Large: Applies a large curve to the corners of all buttons, thereby making a pill shape.