Best Practices for Using Sandboxes

Several users might be working on your implementation in parallel in different sandboxes. So, follow these best practices to avoid conflicts while using sandboxes.

  • To manage sandboxes easily and improve the system performance, reduce the number of open publishable sandboxes at any time.
  • Reduce the number of active users using a publishable sandbox.
  • Make sure a single user doesn’t open multiple browsers and work in the same sandbox.
  • It's recommended that multiple users don't work in the same sandbox at the same time.
  • For best performance, make sure you don’t use more than ten sandboxes in parallel.
  • Don’t make too many configurations in one sandbox. Instead, make small configurations in separate sandboxes and publish them.
  • Sign out and sign back in every time you create, activate, publish, or leave a sandbox. Doing this clears any user-level caching to ensure that you’re working with the latest configurations.
  • Publish your sandboxes before patches are applied, or any release updates or upgrades happen. Otherwise, your unpublished sandboxes that existed before the patch was applied, will be marked as unpublishable to avoid invalid or inconsistent content being published.
  • Don’t publish your application changes directly in the target environment. To make sure changes aren't published in the target environment, set the Control Publish Sandbox Action in Production Environment profile option (FND_ALLOW_PUBLISH_SANDBOX) to No in the target environment.
  • It’s recommended that you don’t use sandboxes in the production environment.
  • Plan to publish your sandboxes and custom subject areas during periods of low system usage or low user activity.