Edit and Reorder Groups and Page Entries for Navigation

Use the Navigation Configuration page to edit and reorder the existing groups and page entries for navigation.

You can make limited changes in certain page entries and groups.

  • Structure page entry: You can only rename it and determine whether to show it on the home page.

  • Configuration and Tools groups: You can only rename these groups.

Edit Groups and Page Entries

  1. Activate a sandbox that has the Structure tool in it.

  2. Click Navigator > Configuration > Structure.

  3. On the Navigation Configuration page, click the name link for the group or page entry you want to edit.

    Tip: You can use the search panel on the Navigation Configuration page to find the group or page entry you want to edit.
  4. On the Edit Group page or the Edit Page Entry page, make the required changes.

  5. Click Save and Close.

You can make these changes to a group or a page entry:

  • Rename a group or page entry.

  • Change the icon for a group or page entry.

Note: If a group or page was created using a different tool, you can't change its name and icon using the Navigation Configuration page.
  • For a page entry, change the group in which the page entry is placed.

  • Change the Show on Navigator property for the group or page entry.

  • Change the Show on Springboard property for the page entry.

  • Change the Mobile Enabled property for the page entry.

  • For an administrator-defined page entry, change the settings for link configuration.

  • Delete groups or page entries in the Structure work area.

  • For a predefined page entry, use Create Duplicate on the Edit Page Entry page to create a duplicate page entry. You can then edit the duplicate page entry as you want, for example, you can place the duplicate page entry in a different group or at the top level.

  • For groups with associated quick actions, use the Quick Actions tab to create more quick actions or make changes to the existing ones, such as rename, show or hide, and reorder them.

Edit Page Entries with Tabs

Some pages (for example, Security Console) have tabs. Each tab is a task flow. To edit tabs, click the Tabs tab on the Edit Page Entry page. You can make these changes:

  • Click the tab name to rename it.

  • Click the tab icon to search and select another icon for the tab.
    Note: Only black and white icons are available for tabs. However, the icons on the UI blend in with the page heading color of the active theme.
  • Click the Visible field for the tab, and change the option to show or hide the tab.

  • Use the Move Up and Move Down icons to adjust the relative position of the tabs within the page.

Edit Page Entries with Panel Tabs

Some pages have panel tabs. To edit panel tabs, click the Panel Tabs tab on the Edit Page Entry page. You can make these changes:

  • Click the panel tab name to rename it.

  • Click the panel tab icon to search and select another icon for the panel tab.
    Note: Only black and white icons are available for panel tabs. However, the icons on the UI blend in with the page heading color of the active theme.
  • Click the Visible field for the panel tab, and change the option to show or hide the tab.

  • Use the Move Up and Move Down icons to adjust the relative position of the panel tabs within the page.

Reorder Groups and Page Entries

Use the Move Up and Move Down icons on the Navigation Configuration page to reorder groups and page entries. For page entries, you can use the Move To icon to move page entries to different groups or to the top level.