View and Diagnose Application Changes

You can use the Manage Configurations dialog box to view and diagnose changes made to the application pages. Application changes are role-dependent and by default, the Manage Configurations dialog box displays the changes that the signed-in user had performed.

Before you view application changes, make sure that you have administrative privileges to access the Manage Configurations dialog box. To view the page that contains the changes, do these tasks:

  1. Click your user image or name in the global header, and on the Settings and Actions menu, select Manage Configurations.

  2. On the Manage Configurations dialog box, use the Search text field to search for the page, page fragment, or task flow.

You can also use the Manage Configurations dialog box to do these tasks:

  • View the application changes for a user in the Current Context column.

  • View all application changes made at the site level, and for any user, in the All Layers column.

  • View application changes made by more than one user.

To diagnose issues pertaining to application changes, determine whether the changes have been applied to a page. You can use the Manage Configurations dialog box to determine if page-level changes exist. If a page modification causes problems, such as a user interface component disappears from a page, you can export the application changes and examine the document file.