How You Monitor Progress of Implementation Projects

Several graphical reports are available to monitor and analyze the progress of the assigned tasks in your implementation project.

You can drill down on the graphs on the Overview page to get all the information to track the progress of your project.

Assignment by Status

This pie chart shows the statuses of the assigned tasks as percentages of the total number of tasks in the implementation project. The pie chart also shows the actual number of tasks with the specific status. The task statuses are predefined and used to indicate the progress. The available statuses are as follows:

  • Not Started

  • In Progress

  • Completed

  • Execution Frozen

  • Submitted

  • Completed with Errors

  • Completed with Warnings

Assignment by Due Dates

This stacked column graph shows the number of assignments with due dates in various predefined time periods, broken down by different task statuses. Time periods are represented by columns while task statuses are represented by stacks within each column. The report compares due dates of the assigned tasks with the current date to determine which time period a task belongs to. The predefined due date periods are as follows:

  • Past Due (one week or more)

  • This Week

  • Next Week

  • In 3 Weeks

  • In 4 Weeks

  • After 4 Weeks

  • None (no due date)

Task Status by Task List

This stacked column graph shows the total number of tasks for each of the task lists in an implementation project as columns. The total number includes tasks from all subsequent levels of the task list. Each column is further broken down by task statuses, which are represented by stacks within a column. Since the task lists are organized in a hierarchy in an implementation project, the graph displays only the root nodes of an implementation project at first. You can drill down on each graph to view the next level of details.

Top 5 Assigned Users with Incomplete Tasks by Due Dates

This stacked column graph shows the top five users who have the most number of incomplete tasks, such as tasks with a status anything other than Completed, as columns. Each column is further broken down by due date periods, which are represented by stacks within a column.

Top 5 Task Allocations

This stacked column graph shows the top five users with the most assignments and is filtered by due date periods. Each user's allocation is further broken down by task statuses, which are represented by stacks within a column. The default filtering is set to This Week.