Review of Setup Data

You can review setup data prior to or after the export or import process using the Setup Data Reports and Comparison Reports.

Setup Data Report

After an export process completes successfully, you can download the setup data reports to review and analyze the data that was exported. You can also save the reports for future reference.

A separate report is generated for each business object processed during export, which shows the data that was exported from that business object. If you specified Scope values to filter exported data, the report shows only the data that matches those Scope values.

Comparison Report

You can use the comparison report to review the differences between setup data in two different environments, such as test and production. For example, before running an import process on your production environment, you may want to compare the setup data in your exported configuration package with that in your production environment to avoid any unwanted override.

The comparison report shows you the following:

  • Which data exists in the source only.

  • Which data exists in the target only.

  • Which data exists in both but is identical.

  • Which data exists in both but has differences, and what the differences are.

You can then determine how the production data changes after the import by applying the rules as stated in the section Setup Data Update Rules during Import in the Key Information About Setup Data Export and Import Processes topic.