Setup Data Comparison Results

Setup data comparison results are listed in three sections:

  • Comparison Summary

  • Comparison Details

  • Failed Objects

Comparison Summary

This section provides an overview of the results from comparing the setup data, which includes:

  • Total number of business objects compared.

  • How many of them processed successfully.

  • How many of them failed, if any.

  • How many of them have records that exist only in the configuration package created from the source environment.

  • How many of them have records that exist only in the target environment.

  • How many of them have records that exist in both the configuration package and the target environment, but have some data mismatch.

Comparison Details

This section lists each of the business objects that were compared successfully between the source and target environments. For each business object, details of the records that have data mismatch between the source and target environments are displayed. By default, the list includes only the business objects that have data discrepancies. However, you can select All from the Show filter to also include the business objects that have identical setup data in both the source and target environments.

For each business object, a summary table displays the number of records it has in the following categories. The numbers which aren't zero are displayed as links. Select the numbers to open a detailed report.

  • Only in Configuration 1 displays the records that exist only in the exported configuration package file, but not in the target environment. Therefore, when you import this configuration package, these records are created in the target environment.

  • In Both with Mismatch displays the records that exist in both the source and target environments. but have different values in one or more of the attributes. Consequently, these records are updated in the target environment with their values in the configuration package when you import. The detailed report displays two rows for each record, with one row each representing the source and target environments.

  • Only in Configuration 2 displays the records that exist only in the target environment and not in the configuration package file. These records therefore, remain unchanged when the configuration package is imported in the target environment. You must use the manual process to remove these records from the target.

  • Identical in Both displays the records that exist in both the source and target environments, and have identical values in all of their attributes. This column is displayed only when the Show filter is set to All. In addition, this category doesn't provide any detailed reports on the records and therefore, the number in the summary table is always read-only.

Failed Objects

In case the comparison report failed to process any business objects due to errors, this section displays a list of those objects. For each object, you can use the Feature Details icon to view or save its error log file.

Downloading Reports

Optionally, click the Download button from the Comparison Details section to download and save the reports.

  • The Comparison Report provides .zip files that contain comparison reports for each of the business objects that were processed. For each business object, a report each for Only in Configuration 1, In Both With Mismatch, and Only In Configuration 2, as applicable is provided.

  • The Comparison Results report provides a summary of the comparison process and represents the table shown in the Comparison Details section of the user interface.

  • The Comparison Process Results Summary provides a summary of the process results, which displays a list of all the processed business objects, and whether their processing completed successfully, or with errors.

  • The Comparison Log File provides a detailed log of the entire comparison process.