Business Objects for Moving Common Reference Objects

Common reference objects in Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager are used to move application setup content from one environment to another. For example, from a test environment to a production environment.

Choice of Parameters

The following table lists the business objects, the movement details, and the effect of the setup task parameter on the scope of the movement.

  • You can move only the translations in the current user language.

Business Object Name

Moved Functional Item

Effect on the Scope of Movement

Application Message

Messages and associated tokens

No parameters: All messages are moved.

Parameter moduleType/moduleKey: Only messages belonging to the specified module and its descendant modules in the taxonomy hierarchy are moved.

Parameter messageName/applicationId: Only the specified message is moved.

Application Taxonomy

Application taxonomy modules and components

No parameters: All taxonomy modules and components are moved.

Application Attachment Entity

Attachment entities

No parameters: All attachment entities are moved.

Parameter moduleType/moduleKey: Only attachment entities belonging to the specified module and its descendant modules in the taxonomy hierarchy are moved.

Application Attachment Category

Attachment categories and category-to-entity mappings

No parameters: All attachment categories and category-to-entity mappings are moved.

Parameter moduleType/moduleKey: Only attachment categories belonging to the specified module and its descendant modules in the taxonomy hierarchy along with the respective category-to-entity mappings are moved.

Application Document Sequence Category

Document sequence categories

No parameters: All categories are moved.

Parameter moduleType/moduleKey: Only categories belonging to the specified module and its descendant modules in the taxonomy hierarchy are moved.

Parameter code/applicationId: Only the specified document sequence category code is moved.

Application Document Sequence

Document sequences and their assignments

No parameters: All sequences are moved.

Parameter moduleType/moduleKey: Only document sequences belonging to the specified module and its descendant modules in the taxonomy hierarchy are moved

Parameter name: Only the specified document sequence is moved.

Application Descriptive Flexfield

Descriptive flexfield registration data and setup data

No parameters: All descriptive flexfields are moved.

Parameter moduleType/moduleKey: Only descriptive flexfields belonging to the specified module and its descendant modules in the taxonomy hierarchy are moved.

Parameter descriptiveFlexfieldCode/applicationId: Only the specified descriptive flexfield is moved. Importing the metadata of a flexfield can change its deployment status. Therefore, you must redeploy if there are any affected flexfields. The import process automatically submits affected flexfields for redeployment. Also, only flexfields with a deployment status of Deployed or Deployed to Sandbox are eligible to be moved.

Note: Sometimes, the flexfield setup data exported to an XML file may contain noneditable auto-generated content that might not exist when exported to a CSV file. You may ignore and exclude such data during the export-import process.

Application Extensible Flexfield

Extensible flexfield registration data and setup data, including categories

No parameters: All extensible flexfields are moved

Parameter moduleType/moduleKey: Only extensible flexfields belonging to the specified module and its descendant modules in the taxonomy hierarchy are moved.

Parameter extensibleFlexfieldCode/applicationId: Only the specified extensible flexfield is moved. Importing the metadata of a flexfield can change its deployment status and therefore, the affected flexfields must be redeployed. The import process automatically submits affected flexfields for redeployment.

Also, only flexfields with a deployment status of Deployed or Deployed to Sandbox are eligible to be moved.

Note: Sometimes, the flexfield setup data exported to an XML file may contain noneditable auto-generated content that might not exist when exported to a CSV file. You may ignore and exclude such data during the export-import process.

Application Key Flexfield

Key flexfield registration data and setup data

No parameters: All key flexfields are moved.

Parameter moduleType/moduleKey: Only key flexfields belonging to the specified module and its descendant modules in the taxonomy hierarchy are moved.

Parameter keyFlexfieldCode/applicationId: Only the specified key flexfield is moved.

Importing the metadata of a flexfield can change its deployment status and therefore, the affected flexfields must be redeployed. The import process automatically submits affected flexfields for redeployment. Only flexfields with a deployment status of Deployed or Deployed to Sandbox are eligible to be moved.

Note: Sometimes, the flexfield setup data exported to an XML file may contain noneditable auto-generated content that might not exist when exported to a CSV file. You may ignore and exclude such data during the export-import process.

Application Flexfield Value Set

Value set setup data

No parameters: All value sets are moved.

Parameter moduleType/moduleKey: Only value sets belonging to the specified module and its descendant modules in the taxonomy hierarchy are moved.

Parameter valueSetCode: Only the specified value set is moved.

Importing the metadata of a value set can change the deployment status of flexfields that use the value set. Therefore, you must redeploy if there are any affected flexfields. The import process automatically submits affected flexfields for redeployment.

Application Reference Currency

Currency data

No parameters: All currencies are moved.

Application Reference ISO Language

ISO language data

No parameters: All ISO languages are moved.

Application Reference Industry

Industry data including industries in territories data

No parameters: All industries are moved.

Application Reference Language

Language data

No parameters: All languages are moved.

Application Reference Natural Language

Natural language data

No parameters: All natural languages are moved.

Application Reference Territory

Territory data

No parameters: All territories are moved.

Application Reference Time zone

Time zone data

No parameters: All time zones are moved.

Application Standard Lookup

Standard lookup types and their lookup codes

No parameters: All standard lookups are moved.

Parameter moduleType/moduleKey: Only standard lookups belonging to the specified module and its descendant modules in the taxonomy hierarchy are moved.

Parameter lookupType: Only the specified common lookup is moved.

Application Common Lookup

Common lookup types and their lookup codes

No parameters: All common lookups are moved.

Parameter moduleType/moduleKey: Only common lookups belonging to the specified module and its descendant modules in the taxonomy hierarchy are moved.

Parameter lookupType: Only the specified common lookup is moved.

Application Set-Enabled Lookup

Set-enabled lookup types and their lookup codes

No parameters: All set-enabled lookups are moved.

Parameter moduleType/moduleKey: Only set-enabled lookups belonging to the specified module and its descendant modules in the taxonomy hierarchy are moved.

Parameter lookupType: Only the specified set-enabled lookup is moved.

Application Profile Category

Profile categories

No parameters: All profile categories are moved.

Parameter moduleType/moduleKey: Only categories belonging to the specified module and its descendant modules in the taxonomy hierarchy are moved.

name/applicationId: Only the specified category is moved.

Application Profile Option

Profile options and their values

No parameters: All profile options and their values are moved.

Parameter moduleType/moduleKey: Only profile options and their values belonging to the specified module are moved.

Parameter profileOptionName: Only the specified profile option and its values are moved.

Application Profile Value

Profile options and their values

No parameters: All profiles and their values are moved.

Parameter moduleType/moduleKey: Only profiles and their values belonging to the specified module are moved.

Parameter categoryName/categoryApplicationId: Only profiles and their values belonging to the specified category are moved.

Parameter profileOptionName: Only the specified profile and its values are moved.

Application Reference Data Set

Reference data sets

No parameters: All sets are moved.

Application Reference Data Set Assignment

Reference data set assignments

Parameter determinantType: Only assignments for the specified determinant type are moved.

Parameter determinantType/referenceGroupName: Only assignments for the specified determinant type and reference group are moved.

Application Tree Structure

Tree structures and any labels assigned to the tree structure

No parameters: All tree structures (and their labels) are moved.

Parameter moduleType/moduleKey: Only tree structures (and their labels) belonging to the specified module are moved.

Parameter treeStructureCode: Only the specified tree structure (with its labels) is moved.

Application Tree

Tree codes and versions

No parameters: All trees are moved.

Parameter moduleType/moduleKey: Only trees belonging to the specified module are moved.

Parameter treeStructureCode: Only trees belonging to the specified tree structure are moved.

Parameter TreeStructureCode/TreeCode: Only trees belonging to the specified tree structure and tree code are moved.

Application Tree Label

Tree structures and any labels assigned to the tree structure

No parameters: All tree structures (and their labels) are moved.

Parameter moduleType/moduleKey: Only tree structures (and their labels) belonging to the specified module and its descendant modules in the taxonomy hierarchy are moved.

Parameter treeStructureCode: Only the specified tree structure (with its labels) is moved.

Application Data Security Policy

Database resources, actions, conditions, and data security policies

No parameters: All database resources/actions/conditions/policies are moved.

Parameter moduleType/moduleKey: Only database resources/actions/conditions/policies belonging to the specified module and its descendant modules in the taxonomy hierarchy are moved.

Parameter objName: Only the specified database resource along with its actions/conditions/policies is moved.

If the policies being moved contain reference to newly created roles, move the roles before moving the policies. If the source and target systems use different LDAPs, manually perform the GUID reconciliation after moving the data security policies.