Create Job Sets

Create a job set so that users can run multiple jobs with a single submission.

Before you create the job set, plan the sequence and hierarchy of the job steps within the job set. You can create job sets using the Manage Job sets tab. You can also edit and delete job sets that aren't predefined.
Note: Remember, when you’re creating a job set, you should use jobs only from a single module. If you need to use jobs from multiple modules, create separate job sets.

Steps to Create Job Sets

Follow these steps:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Enterprise Scheduler Job Definitions and Job Sets task in the Application Extensions functional area. Or, depending on your offering, you might use a different functional area.


    If you don't see the task, make sure that the Enterprise Scheduler Job Definitions and Job Sets feature is enabled at the offering level.

  2. On the Manage Enterprise Scheduler Job Definitions and Job Sets page, open the Manage Job Sets tab.

  3. Click Create.

  4. Complete the fields as shown in this table.




    Provide a name with only alphanumeric characters, for example, ExportMetadataTables1.


    A job set name can't have space or any special character.

    Display Name

    Provide a name that the users see while submitting the scheduled process.


    Provide more information about what the job set does.


    Specify the path where you want to save the job set.

  5. In the Job Set Steps section, select Serial or Parallel to define the sequence of the job set.

  6. Click Add Job Set Step to open the Add Step dialog box.

  7. In the Step tab:

    1. Enter a Step ID to easily identify the steps.

    2. Search for and select a job or job set to include in your job set.

    3. Select Job definition or Job set.

    4. Type a valid name or package, or both of the Job or Job Set you are looking for and click search.

    5. Select the required job definition or job set and click OK.

    6. If you selected Parallel in step 4:

      • Select Insert into main diagram if you want the step to be executed independently.

      • Select Add to list of available steps if you want the step to be one of the outcomes in the available steps.

      • If you choose to add the step to the list of available steps, select an option for the possible job outcomes. For example, you can determine whether the process must stop or another step must be executed if the step fails to run successfully.

  8. In the Application Defined Properties tab:

    1. Click Add Application Defined Property icon and select a data type.

    2. Enter a name and an initial value.

    3. Select the Read Only check box if you don't want users to update this property when they submit the process set.

    4. Click OK.

  9. In the System Properties tab:

    1. Click Add System Property.

    2. From the name list, select a system property.

    3. Enter a value in the Initial Value field.

    4. Select Read Only check box if you don't want users to update this property when they submit the process set.

    5. Click OK.


    You can also add and edit the Application Defined Properties and System Properties in the respective sections on the Create Job Set page.

  10. Click OK to add the Job Set Step.

  11. Add jobs and job sets as required. You can select job steps in the Job Set Steps section and edit, remove, or reorder (for Serial only). You can also switch between Serial and Parallel.

  12. Click Save and Close.


When you create a job set, a privilege with the same name as the job set is automatically created with a Run prefix. For example, for a job set named ExportAppsData, with display name Export Application Data, the privilege code is RUN_EXPORTAPPSDATA, with Run Export Application Data as the name. Make sure to use the Security Console to assign this privilege to roles so that users who need to run the process set can do so.