Guidelines for Managing Tree Structures

You can create, edit, and delete tree structures. You can also change the status of a tree structure and audit the changes.

Creating and Editing Tree Structures

When you edit an active tree structure, the status of the tree structure and all associated trees and their versions changes to draft. To reuse a tree structure, create a copy of the tree without copying the associated trees and tree versions. After making changes, set the status again to active. If you delete a tree structure, all the associated trees and tree versions are automatically deleted.

For information about working with the offering-specific predefined tree structures, refer to the relevant product documentation.


When you change the status of a tree structure, the status of the trees and tree versions associated with that tree structure also changes.

The following table lists the different statuses of a tree structure.




In a modified state, or not yet in use.


In use, indicating that one or more trees or tree versions are created from the tree structure.


Not in use.