Create Notification Templates

Users may receive Email notifications of user account events, such as account creation or password expiration. These notifications are generated from a set of templates, each of which specifies an event.

A template generates a message to a user when that user is involved in the event tied to the template.

You can enable or disable templates, edit templates, or create templates to replace existing ones. There are 16 events, and a predefined template exists for each event. You can enable only one template linked to a given event at a time.

Here's how you can create a template:

  1. Click the User Categories tab in the Security Console.

  2. Select a user category and on the User Category Information page, click the Notifications tab.

  3. Click the Edit button to make changes.

    Ensure that the Enable Notifications check box is selected.

  4. Click Add Template.

  5. Specify a name and description for the template.

  6. Select Enabled to use the template immediately. If selected, template that had been enabled for the event which you select, is automatically disabled.

  7. Select an Event from the corresponding drop-down list.

    The values for Message Subject and Message are copied from an already-configured template for which the same event is selected.

  8. Update the Message Subject and Message as required.


    The message text includes tokens which are replaced in runtime by literal values appropriate for a given user or account.

  9. Click Save and Close.

To edit a template, select it from the templates listed in the Notification Templates table. Then follow the same process as you would to create a template. You can't modify the event selected for a template that has been saved. You cam only enable or disable an individual template when you edit it.


You can't edit or delete predefined templates that begin with the prefix name ORA. You also can't modify the message subject or the message. However, you can only enable or disable the predefined templates.

You can delete the templates you created. Select the template row in the table and click Delete.

Here's the table that lists the tokens that you can use in the message text for a template:





The user name of the person whose account is being created or modified.

  • Forgot user name

  • Password expired

  • Password reset confirmation

  • New account created


The given name of the person whose account is being created or modified.

  • Administration activity location based access disabled confirmation

  • Administration activity requested

  • Administration activity single sign-on disabled confirmation

  • Expiring external IDP signing certificate

  • Expiring service provider encryption certificate

  • Expiring service provider signing certificate

  • Forgot user name

  • New account created - manager

  • New user created

  • Password expired

  • Password expiry warning

  • Password generated

  • Password reset

  • Password reset - manager

  • Password reset confirmation

  • Password reset confirmation - manager


The surname of the person whose account is being created or modified.

  • Administration activity location based access disabled confirmation

  • Administration activity requested

  • Administration activity single sign-on disabled confirmation

  • Expiring external IDP signing certificate

  • Expiring service provider encryption certificate

  • Expiring service provider signing certificate

  • Forgot user name

  • New account created - manager

  • New user created

  • Password expired

  • Password expiry warning

  • Password generated

  • Password reset

  • Password reset - manager

  • Password reset confirmation

  • Password reset confirmation - manager


The given name of the person who manages the person whose account is being created or modified.

  • New account created - manager

  • Password reset confirmation - manager

  • Password reset - manager


The surname of the person who manages the person whose account is being created or modified.

  • New account created - manager

  • Password reset confirmation - manager

  • Password reset - manager


The web address to sign in to Oracle Cloud. The user can sign in and use the Preferences page to change a password that's about to expire. Or, without signing in, the user can engage a forgot-password procedure to change a password that has already expired.

  • Expiring external IDP signing certificate

  • Password expired

  • Password expiry warning


A one-time web address expressly for the purpose of resetting a password, used in the Password Generated, Password Reset, New Account, and New Account Manager templates.

  • New account created - manager

  • New user created

  • Password generated

  • Password reset

  • Password reset - manager


Insert line break.

All events


Insert four spaces.

All events


A URL of the page in which an administrator initiates an administration activity.

Administration activity requested


The name of an external Identity Provider.

Expiring external IDP signing certificate


The signing certificate of an external Identity Provider.

Expiring external IDP signing certificate


The expiration date of the external Identity Provider signing certificate or of the service provider signing certificate.

  • Expiring external IDP signing certificate

  • Expiring service provider signing certificate


The expiration date of the Service Provider encryption certificate.

Expiring service provider encryption certificate


The given name of the person who has administrator rights.

  • Administration activity location based access disabled confirmation

  • Administration activity single sign-on disabled confirmation


The surname of the person who has administrator rights.

  • Administration activity location based access disabled confirmation

  • Administration activity single sign-on disabled confirmation