Create Roles in the Security Console

You can create a duty role, job role, or an abstract role using the Security Console.

In many cases, an efficient method of creating a role is to copy an existing role, then edit the copy to meet your requirements. Typically, you would create a role from scratch if no existing role is similar to the role you want to create.

To create a role from scratch, select the Roles tab in the Security Console, then click the Create Role button. Enter values in a series of role-creation pages, selecting Next or Back to navigate among them.

Caution: While creating custom roles, make sure you assign only the required privileges. Assigning all the privileges may impact subscription usage. Before you proceed, see topic Guidance for Assigning Predefined Roles.

Providing Basic Information

On a Basic Information page:

  1. In the Role Name field, create a display name, for example North America Accounts Receivable Specialist.

  2. In the Role Code field, create an internal name for the role, such as AR_NA_ACCOUNTS_RECEIVABLE_SPECIALIST_JOB.


    Do not use "ORA_" as the beginning of a role code. This prefix is reserved for roles predefined by Oracle. You can't edit a role with the ORA_ prefix.

  3. In the Role Category field, select a tag that identifies a purpose the role serves in common with other roles. Typically, a tag specifies a role type and an application to which the role applies, such as Financials - Job Roles.

    If you select a duty-role category, you can't assign the role you're creating directly to users. To assign it, you would include it in the hierarchy of a job or abstract role, then assign that role to users.

    Note: You can't change the role category for existing roles.
  4. Optionally, describe the role in the Description field.

Adding Function Security Policies

A function security policy selects a set of functional privileges, each of which permits use of a field or other user-interface feature. On a Function Security Policies page, you may define a policy for:

  • A duty role. In this case, the policy selects functional privileges that may be inherited by duty, job, or abstract roles to which the duty is to belong.

  • A job or abstract role. In this case, the policy selects functional privileges specific to that role.

As you define a policy, you can either add an individual privilege or copy all the privileges that belong to an existing role:

  1. Select Add Function Security Policy.

  2. In the Search field, select the value Privileges or types of role in any combination and enter at least three characters. The search returns values including items of the type you selected, whose names contain the characters you entered.

  3. Select a privilege or role. If you select a privilege, click Add Privilege to Role. If you select a role, click Add Selected Privileges.


    The search results display all roles, whether they contain privileges or not. If a role doesn't contain privileges, there's nothing to add here. To add roles that don't contain privileges, go to the Role Hierarchy page.

The Function Security Policies page lists all selected privileges. When appropriate, it also lists the role from which a privilege is inherited. You can:

  • Click a privilege to view details of the code resource it secures.

  • Delete a privilege. You may, for example, have added the privileges associated with a role. If you want to use only some of them, you must delete the rest. To delete a privilege, click its x icon.

Adding Data Security Policies

A data security policy may be explicit or implicit.

  • An explicit policy grants access to a particular set of data, such as that pertaining to a particular business unit. This type of policy isn't used in predefined roles in Oracle Fusion Cloud ERP.

  • An implicit policy applies a data privilege (such as read) to a set of data from a specified data resource. Create this type of policy for a duty, job, or abstract role. For each implicit policy, you must grant at least the read and view privileges.

You can use a Data Security Policies page to manage implicit policies.

To create a data security policy, click the Create Data Security Policy button, then enter values that define the policy. A start date is required; a name, an end date, and a description are optional. Values that define the data access include:

  • Data Resource: A database table.

  • Data Set: A definition that selects a subset of the data made available by the data resource.

    • Select by key. Choose a primary key value, to limit the data set to a record in the data resource whose primary key matches the value you select.

    • Select by instance set. Choose a condition that defines a subset of the data in the data resource. Conditions vary by resource.

    • All values: Include all data from the data resource in your data set.

  • Actions: Select one or more data privileges to apply to the data set you have defined.

The Data Security Polices page lists all policies defined for the role. You can edit or delete a policy: click the Actions button, and select the Edit or Remove option.

Configuring the Role Hierarchy

A Role Hierarchy page displays either a visualization graph, with the role you're creating as its focus, or a visualization table. Select the Show Graph button or View as Table button to select between them. In either case, link the role you're creating to other roles from which it's to inherit function and data security privileges.

  • If you're creating a duty role, you can add duty roles or aggregate privileges to it. In effect, you're creating an expanded set of duties for incorporation into a job or abstract role.

  • If you're creating a job or abstract role, you can add aggregate privileges, duty roles, or other job or abstract roles to it.

To add a role:

  1. Select Add Role.

  2. In a Search field, select a combination of role types and enter at least three characters. The search returns values including items of the type you selected, whose names contain the characters you entered.

  3. Select the role you want, and click Add Role Membership. You add not only the role you have selected, but also its entire hierarchy.

In the graph view, you can use the visualization Control Panel, Legend, and Overview tools to manipulate the nodes that define your role hierarchy.

Adding Users

On a Users page, you can select users to whom you want to assign a job or abstract role you're creating. (You can't assign a duty role directly to users.)

To add a user:

  1. Select Add User.

  2. In a Search field, select the value Users or types of role in any combination and enter at least three characters. The search returns values including items of the type you selected, whose names contain the characters you entered.

  3. Select a user or role. If you select a user, click Add User to Role. If you select a role, click Add Selected Users; this adds all its assigned users to the role you're creating.

The Users page lists all selected users. You can delete a user. You may, for example, have added all the users associated with a role. If you want to assign your new role only to some of them, you must delete the rest. To delete a user, click its x icon.

Completing the Role

On a Summary and Impact Report page, review the selections you have made. Summary listings show the numbers of function security policies, data security policies, roles, and users you have added and removed. An Impact listing shows the number of roles and users affected by your changes. Expand any of these listings to see names of policies, roles, or users included in its counts.

If you determine you must make changes, navigate back to the appropriate page and do so. If you're satisfied with the role, select Save and Close.