Review Role Hierarchies

On the Security Console you can review the role hierarchy of a job role, an abstract role, a duty role, or an HCM data role. You must have the IT Security Manager job role to perform this task.


Although you can review HCM data roles on the Security Console, you must manage them on the Manage HCM Data Role and Security Profiles page. Don't attempt to edit them on the Security Console.

Follow these steps:

  1. On the Roles tab of the Security Console, ensure that Expand Toward is set to Privileges.

  2. Search for and select the role. Depending on the enterprise setting, either a table or a graphical representation of the role appears.

  3. If the table doesn't appear by default, click the View as Table icon. The table lists every role inherited either directly or indirectly by the selected role. Set Show to Privileges to switch from roles to privileges.


    Enter text in a column search field and press Enter to show only those roles or privileges that contain the specified text.

Click Export to Excel to export the current table data to Microsoft Excel.