User Account Details

To review full details for an existing account, search for it in the User Accounts page and click its user login in the User column. This opens a User Account Details page.

These details always include:

  • User information, which consists of user category, user name, first name, last name, and an email.

  • Account information, which includes the user's password-expiration date, whether the account is active, and whether it's locked.

  • A table listing the roles assigned to the user, including whether they're autoprovisioned or assignable. A role is assignable if it can be delegated to another user.

The page may also include an Associated Worker Information region or an Associated Party Information region. The former appears only if the user account is related to a worker record in Human Capital Management, and the latter if the user account is related to a party record in CRM.

To edit these details, click Edit in the User Account Details page. Be aware, however:

  • You can edit values only in the User Information, Account Information, and Roles regions.

  • Even in those regions, you can edit some fields only if the user isn't associated with a worker or a party. If not, for example, you can modify the First Name and Last Name values in the User Information region. But if the user is associated with a worker, you would manage these values in Human Capital Management. They would be grayed out in this Edit User Details page.

  • In the Roles table, Autoprovisioned check boxes are set automatically, and you can't modify the settings. The box is checked if the user obtained the role through autoprovisioning, and cleared if the role was manually assigned. You can modify the Assignable setting for existing roles.


You can edit the User Name in the Edit User Account Details page. You can update the user name irrespective of whether this account is linked to a worker record in HCM or not. All the conditions that apply for creating a user name applies while updating it. The user name can be in any format and up to a maximum length of 80 characters. The user name can include multibyte characters.

Click Add Autoprovisioned Roles to add any roles for which the user is eligible. Or, to add roles manually, click Add Role. Search for roles you want to add, select them, and click Add Role Membership. You can remove all roles that are associated with a user using the corresponding button.

You can also delete roles. Click the x icon in the row for the role, and then respond to the confirmation message.