Options for Viewing a Visualization Graph

Within a visualization graph, you can select the Radial or Layers view. In either view, you can zoom in or out of the image. You can expand or collapse nodes, magnify them, or search for them.

You can also highlight nodes that represent types of security items.

  1. To select a view, click Switch Layout in the Control Panel, which is a set of buttons on the visualization.

  2. Select Radial or Layers.

Node Labels

You can enlarge or reduce a visualization, either by expanding or collapsing nodes or by zooming in or out of the image. As you do, the labels identifying nodes change:

  • If the image is large, each node displays the name of the item it represents.

  • If the image is small, symbols replace the names: U for user, R for role, S for predefined role, P for privilege, and A for aggregate privilege.

  • If the image is smaller, the nodes are unlabeled.

Regardless of labeling, you can hover over a node to display the name and description of the user, role, or privilege it represents.

Nodes for each type of item are visually depicted such that item types are easily distinguished.

Expand or Collapse Nodes

To expand a node is to reveal roles, privileges, or users to which it connects. To collapse a node is to hide those items. To expand or collapse a node, select a node and right-click or just double-click on the node.

Using Control Panel Tools

Apart from the option to select the Radial or Layers view, the Control Panel contains these tools:

  • Zoom In: Enlarge the image. You can also use the mouse wheel to zoom in.

  • Zoom Out: Reduce the image. You can also use the mouse wheel to zoom out.

  • Zoom to Fit: Center the image and size it so that it's as large as it can be while fitting entirely in its display window. (Nodes that you have expanded remain expanded.)

  • Magnify: Activate a magnifying glass, then position it over nodes to enlarge them temporarily. You can use the mouse wheel to zoom in or out of the area covered by the magnifying glass. Click Magnify a second time to deactivate the magnifying glass.

  • Search: Enter text to locate nodes whose names contain matching text. You can search only for nodes that the image is currently expanded to reveal.

  • Control Panel: Hide or expose the Control Panel.

Using the Legend

A Legend lists the types of items currently on display. You can take the following actions:

  • Hover over the entry for a particular item type to locate items of that type in the image. Items of all other types are grayed out.

  • Click the entry for an item type to disable items of that type in the image. If an item of that type has child nodes, it's grayed out. If not, it disappears from the image. Click the entry a second time to restore disabled items.

  • Hide or expose the Legend by clicking its button.

Using the Overview

On the image, click the plus sign to open the Overview, a thumbnail sketch of the visualization. Click any area of the thumbnail to focus the actual visualization on that area.

Alternatively, you can click the background of the visualization and move the entire image in any direction.

Refocusing the Image

You can select any node in a visualization as the focal point for a new visualization: Right-click a node, then select Set as Focus.


You can review role hierarchies using either a tabular or a graphical view. The default view depends on the setting of the Enable default table view option on the Administration tab.