Procurement Requester Data Security

Your ability to create or view purchase requisitions is controlled by role-based data security.

Three abstract roles define procurement requester security:

  • Procurement Requester

  • Procurement Preparer

  • Advanced Procurement Requester

Procurement Requester

With the Procurement Requester role you can create requests for goods or services for yourself. This abstract role is inherited by the Employee and Contingent Worker job roles. As a procurement requester you can:

  • Create purchase requisitions.

  • View requisitions that have your name listed as the requester on the requisition line.

  • Edit requisitions that have your name listed as the person who entered the requisition.

With the Procurement Requester role you have implicit access to data for the business unit associated with your primary worker assignment. This determines the requisitioning business unit you belong to.

Procurement Preparer

With the Procurement Preparer role you can create requests for goods or services for yourself and for others. This role must be provisioned directly to you.

Advanced Procurement Requester

With the Advanced Procurement Requester role you can create requests for goods or services for yourself and for others. You also have access to the Add Requisition Lines function, which supports the quick creation of multiple requisition lines. This role must be provisioned directly to you.

Additional Business Units

To provide you requester access to additional business units, beyond your primary worker assignment, you must be provisioned explicit data access to them. A security administrator can do this using the Manage Business Unit Data Access for Users task, in the Setup and Maintenance work area, Users and Security functional area. For example, consider the following scenario:

  • Your primary employee assignment is to US business unit.

  • You have also been directly provisioned with data access to the France business unit.

As a result, you have access to data for both the US and France business units.

How You View Requisitions Owned by Other Users

By default, you can only see:

  • Requisitions you create.

  • Requisitions you didn't create, in which you're listed as the requester on one of the lines.

A security administrator can use function security to provide you the ability to view requisitions owned by other users. They can assign you the privilege View Requisitions - All. This provides you access to requisitions for which you're not the preparer or requester, in the business units you have access to.

Some additional purchase requisition-related privileges are available in the security reference implementation, aren't assigned to predefined roles, but can be assigned as needed.

  • Edit Requisition as Approver: Allows you to modify requisitions as an approver.

  • Reassign Requisition: Allows you to reassign requisitions entered by others.

  • Reassign Requisition Data: Allows you data access for reassigning requisitions entered by others.


Never edit the predefined roles. You can make a copy of a predefined role to create a custom role, if needed.

For more information about procurement requester security roles refer to the Oracle Procurement Cloud Security Reference guide in the Oracle Help Center.