Deep Links for Service Requests

Deep links are links that point to another page. You can link to a page where users can create a new service request, or edit an existing service request. Read this topic to learn how to construct these links.

Once you have a link, you can then send it to someone else, or you can manually add the link to any page, such as to a report or user interface page.

This topic covers:

  • Deep linking methods

  • Get Link method

  • Manual URL method

  • Where can you use these links?

  • How user authentication provides secured access to the target page.

Deep Linking Methods

To create deep links to service request pages, you can use one of two methods.

  • Get Link method

    Use this method to easily "get a link" to the details page (edit page) of any service request.

  • Manual URL method

    Use this method to link to any service request page. Link to where users can create a new CRM or HR Help Desk service request, or link to the details page of an existing service request.

    This method is useful because you have the flexibility to specify parameters in the URL itself, so that you can link to exactly the page you want. For example, link to a page where the user can create a service request for a particular account and product group.

Get Link Method

The Get Link method is the simplest method to obtain a deep link, but it works only for service request details pages (edit pages). To obtain an automatically generated deep link:

  1. Navigate to the details page (edit page) of the service request that you want to link to.

  2. Click Actions > Get Link.

  3. Copy the link by clicking Control + C.

  4. Share that link.

Manual URL Method

You must use the manual URL method to link to a service request create page, or to link to a specific subtab other than the summary tab on a details page. To link to a details page with the summary subtab in focus, you can use this method but the Get Link method is simpler.

To use the manual URL method, choose from four URL patterns to build your deep link. In each pattern, you can specify a variety of parameter values to satisfy the particular needs of your "create service request" business case. Depending on the link that you build, your users can navigate to the create page for the service request, or to a specific record.

To link to a page where your users can create new CRM service requests, use the following syntax:

  • https://<hostname>:<port>/fscmUI/faces/deeplink?objType=SVC_SERVICE_REQUEST&action=CREATE_IN_TAB

To link to a page where your users can create new HCM service requests, use the following syntax:

  • https://<hostname>:<port>/fscmUI/faces/deeplink?objType=SVC_SERVICE_REQUEST_HCM&action=CREATE_IN_TAB

To link to an existing CRM service request (in this example, service request SR0000033095), use the following syntax:

  • https://<hostname>:<port>/fscmUI/faces/deeplink?objType=SVC_SERVICE_REQUEST&objKey=srNumber%3DSR0000033095&action=EDIT_IN_TAB

To link to an existing HCM service request (in this example, service request SR0000033095), use the following syntax:

  • https://<hostname>:<port>/fscmUI/faces/deeplink?objType=SVC_SERVICE_REQUEST_HCM&objKey=srNumber%3DSR0000033095&action=EDIT_IN_TAB

You can link to specific subtabs (in this example, the Messages subtab) using this syntax:

  • https://<hostname>:<port>/fscmUI/faces/deeplink?objType=SVC_SERVICE_REQUEST&objKey=srNumber%3DSR0000033095%3BselectedSubTabName%3DMessages&action=EDIT_IN_TAB

  • https://<hostname>:<port>/fscmUI/faces/deeplink?objType=SVC_SERVICE_REQUEST_HCM&objKey=srNumber%3DSR0000033095%3BselectedSubTabName%3DMessages&action=EDIT_IN_TAB


Copy the first part of the URL, https://<hostname>:<port>/, from your instance's actual home page.


The deep links don't work if they contain the # character. Also, special characters such as @, ^, and * can be used only if preceded with the backslash character \. For example, you must use \* instead of * in your regular expression. For more information about using special characters in regular expressions, see the open source documentation for regular expressions. After you modify the regular expression, remember to use a validator to ensure that it's still working.

This table lists of the components of the service request deep link pattern.







Use SVC_SERVICE_REQUEST to link to CRM service requests.

Use SVC_SERVICE_REQUEST_HCM to link to HCM service requests.


Here's a list of the available fields (attributes) for the objKey parameter which you might typically want to use.

When linking to the create page, you can pass any and all of the fields listed below. Additionally, you can use all fields, including custom fields, that are exposed for the service request object. If using custom fields, be sure to use the custom field's API name, not display name, in the deep link URL.

When linking to the edit page, pass only the srNumber parameter.

  • srNumber

  • srID

  • accountid (or accountPartyId)

  • primarycontactid (or primaryContactId)

  • productgroupid (or productGroupId)

  • productid (or inventoryItemId)

  • partneraccountid (or PartnerAccountPartyId)

  • assetid (or assetId)

The objKey parameter is optional and is typically used for record identifiers.

When linking to the create page, you can add multiple fields for the objKey parameter to prepopulate values onto the create page. For example, in a single URL, you could specify both a product ID as well as a primary contact ID to prepopulate onto the create service request page.

The objKey takes key value pairs. Specify both the field and the field's value.

When linking to the create page, you can specify more than one pair for the objKey parameter by using the & symbol.

For example:objKey=accountPartyId%3D456&productGroupId%3D789


  • To link to the Messages subtab, use this value: Messages

  • To link to the Interaction History subtab, use this value: Interactions

  • To link to the Contacts subtab, use this value: Contacts

  • To link to the Team subtab, use this value: Team

  • To link to the Activities subtab, use this value: Activities

  • To link to the Linked Articles subtab, use this value: LinkedArticles

  • To link to the Milestone Details subtab, use this value: Milestones

  • To link to the Part Details subtab, use this value: Parts

  • To link to the Work Orders subtab, use this value: WorkOrders

  • To link to the Audit History subtab, use this value: Audits

  • To link to the Social subtab, use this value: Conversations

  • To link to the Action Plan subtab, use this value: ActionPlan

The selectedSubTabName parameter is optional. Use this parameter to link directly to a subtab in an existing record.




Open the Create Service Request page in dynamic tab mode.

Edit an existing service request in dynamic tab mode.

Assigning These Links

You can add deep links to:

  • Reports

    Use BI Composer or Analytics Answers to add deep links to your reports.

  • User interface pages

    Navigate to the service request object's Actions and Links node in Application Composer, and create an action or link using the deep link that you want. Then, use Application Composer to add the action or link to the object's user interface pages.

    Note: On the Approvals page, deep links are only supported for top-level custom objects and the following standard objects:
    • Account
    • Contact
    • Household
    • Lead
    • Opportunity
    • Partner
    • Activity
    • Business Plan
    • Service request
  • External third-party applications

    Create a deep link to link directly to a service request page.

User Authentication for Secured Access

The deep link servlet requires authentication. If you haven't been previously authenticated, you must sign in to gain access to the target page. After signing in, you're redirected to the target page. If you have already been authenticated at the time of clicking the deep link, the target page is immediately displayed (without asking you to sign in).