Examples of SOAP Web Service Calls in Groovy Scripts

This topic explains how you call SOAP web services from Groovy scripts using simple examples.

You can call web services from your Groovy scripts in Application Composer, for example, to access internal or external data, or to perform a calculation on your data.


You can't use Groovy scripts to create an XML/SOAP message containing attachments.

A web service call from a Groovy script has the following syntax:


In the examples in this topic, the methods of a web service registered with the variable name EmployeeService are called.

For each web service that you call in your scripts, you must set up a web service reference in the Web Services page in Application Composer.

Retrieving an Employee by ID

The following example shows how to call a getEmployee() method of the web service by passing the integer 7839 as the single argument to the method.

// retrieve Employee object by id from remote system
def emp = adf.webServices.EmployeeService.getEmployee(7839)
// log a message, referencing employee fields with "dot" notation
println('Got employee '+emp.Ename+' with id '+emp.Empno)
// access the nested list of Dependent objects for this employee
def deps = emp.Dependents
if (deps != null) {
  println("Found "+deps.size()+" dependents")
  for (dep in deps) {

Creating an Employee Including New Dependents

The following example shows how to use Groovy script's convenient map and list construction notation to create a new employee with two nested dependents. The newEmp object is then passed as the argument to the createEmployee() method of the web service.

// Create a new employee object using a Groovy map. The
// nested collection of dependents is a Groovy list of maps
def newEmp = [ Ename:"Steve",
// Create the new employee by passing this object to a web service
newEmp = adf.webServices.EmployeeService.createEmployee(newEmp)
// The service returns a new employee object which may have
// other attributes defaulted/assigned by the service, like the Empno
println("New employee created was assigned Empno = "+ newEmp.Empno)

Merging Updates to an Employee Object and Adding a Dependent Child Object

The following example shows how to use the mergeEmployee() method to update fields in an employee object that is retrieved at the start of the script using a call to the getEmployee() method. The script updates the Ename field on the retrieved emp object and updates the names of the existing dependents. The script then adds a dependent child object before calling the mergeEmployee() method of the web service to save the changes.

// Merge updates and inserts on Employee and nested Dependents
def emp = adf.webServices.EmployeeService.getEmployee(7839)
// update employee's name to add an exclamation point!
emp.Ename = emp.Ename + '!'
def deps = emp.Dependents
// Update dependent names to add an exclamation point!
for (dep in deps) {
   dep.Name = dep.Name + '!'
// Add a new dependent
def newChild = [Name:"Jane", BirthYear:1997]
emp = adf.webServices.EmployeeService.mergeEmployee(emp)