Field Groups

Use field groups to organize your pages and make them look more readable. A field group lets you group fields into collapsible regions, each with its own header that you can modify.

Create field groups as part of either a creation page layout or a details page layout. For detailed instructions on how to create field groups, see Add Field Groups to a Page Layout.

Which Fields Can You Group?

The fields that you can select for a field group are attributes of the top-level object that you're creating the page layout for, such as the opportunity object.

Why Use Field Groups?

Field groups organize your page layouts. Here are some reasons why you should use them:

  • Group related fields so they always appear together on a page.

    Perhaps you want a group of fields, such as Home Ownership and Purchase Date of Home, to always appear together. Group them.

  • Group secondary fields in a region that your end users can optionally expand, if they need to.

    Maybe some fields on a page are useful, but not critical for your end users. Define the field group to be collapsed by default at runtime.

  • Manage page layouts with fewer clicks.

    Once you combine fields into a field group, you can easily move that group up or down the page layout, with a single click.

    Multiple field groups always appear together at runtime within a larger field group "container". When designing a page layout, you can move a field group up or down, but only within this larger container.

    In most cases, field groups appear at runtime as regions right below the page's top summary region.

Field Group Validation

Application Composer validates the contents of field groups. You can't add the same field to different groups. This validation applies only across the field groups created for one page type (creation page or details page).


Although you can't add the same field to multiple field groups, you can easily move a field between groups. This makes it easy to manage fields within groups, if you later change your mind about field placement.

Performance Considerations: Keep Field Groups Collapsed

Field groups are displayed inside a panel group that users can expand or collapse, but are initially in expanded mode by default. However, having 3 or 4 field groups on a page reduces page performance because, as part of drilling down on a record, multiple UI events must be fired to expand the field groups.

For optimal performance, always keep field groups on a page as collapsed by default. Users can then expand field groups as needed.

Performance Considerations: Plan Your Layouts in Advance

You can move fields between field groups, but when customizing page layouts, avoid frequent shuttling of fields between regions and field groups.

As a best practice, plan layouts before making field changes:

  1. Decide which fields to include on each page, as well as their relative position (sequence) on the layout. Then add the fields in order.

  2. Avoid repeatedly selecting and deselecting the same fields on the same pages.

Each time you select or deselect a field and save the layout, a corresponding customization instruction is saved and remains in metadata. Frequent selecting and deselecting of fields could lead to a large number of instructions that must be resolved at runtime.