Intelligent Advisor Interview Subtabs

Gather highly personalized customer information by seamlessly integrating Intelligent Advisor interviews into Oracle CX Sales application pages as custom subtabs.

What's Intelligent Advisor and How Does it Work with Your Application

Intelligent Advisor is a specialized decision-making platform. It provides the benefits of a traditional technical rules platform, and implements complex policy logic that drives decision making and calculations. With a few clicks you can choose an Intelligent Advisor interview and assign it to a custom subtab. Interviews with checkpoints are automatically supported with no additional effort.

The primary key of the current parent object record is automatically seeded to the Intelligent Advisor interview to support data mapping capabilities. Data mapping enables you to pre-seed data in an Intelligent Advisor interview and to save outcomes from the interview. See the Oracle Policy Automation Documentation Library for the list of objects supporting data mappings.

Before You Begin

You must register an Intelligent Advisor Hub with your application's environment for the Intelligent Advisor interview subtab choice to appear in the list of custom subtabs.

Your application retrieves a list of available interviews from a designated Intelligent Advisor Hub. The designated Hub is assigned to your application's instance through the Intelligent Advisor Hub administration UI. You define which Intelligent Advisor Hub is assigned to your application's instance, which is a new connection type in the Intelligent Advisor Hub. The Intelligent Advisor Hub automatically configures the instance.


If this configuration changes after you create an Intelligent Advisor interview subtab, then the subtab won't work correctly.

See Create a CX Sales and Fusion Service Connection in Intelligent Advisor in the Oracle CX Sales Implementing Sales guide for detailed instructions.

Add an Intelligent Advisor Interview Subtab to a Details Page

  1. In Application Composer, expand the object whose details page layout you want to edit.

  2. Click the Pages node and select a custom details page layout on the Application Pages tab.

  3. On the Edit Layout page, click the Add (plus) icon in the Subtabs region.

  4. On the Create Subtab page, select Intelligent Advisor interview, then Next.

  5. The Basic Information page appears and displays the list of deployed interviews on the registered Intelligent Advisor Hub in the Interview drop-down list. Retain the default interview or select another.


    If the registered Intelligent Advisor Hub can't be contacted when the page loads, an error message appears.

  6. Optionally, change the display label and icon.

  7. (Application UI only) If more than one details page layout exists, then click Next to optionally select other details page layouts that will display this subtab.

  8. Click Save and Close.

  9. The new Intelligent Advisor interview metadata now appears on the Details Page layout. You can edit the name of the subtab or delete it using the Edit and Delete icons. You can also click the Edit icon next to the interview name to select another interview, or to change the display label and icon.

  10. When you're finished, click Done on the Edit Layout page.

The Intelligent Advisor Interview now appears as a new subtab on the object's page at runtime. You can optionally populate runtime data into the interviews, and you can also save interview outcomes back into the application.