Configure Links for Page Entries

While creating a page entry or editing an existing one, you can determine what the page entry links to. Use the Create Page Entry or Edit Page Entry page to link a page entry to any of these link types.

  • Your application page.

  • A dynamic URL of an external page (outside your application) where the host, port, or context root might change.

    You can determine the host and port details, which a dynamic URL starts with, from a lookup based on the application name.

  • A static URL of an external page (outside your application) where the host, port, or context root doesn't change. Static URLs don't require lookups.

  • A secure token URL of a partner application, to which secure tokens are added. Tokens contain identity and security information about users, and can be used to authenticate them without additional authentication requirements, for example, user name and password.

  • A VB Studio page, which is built using Visual Builder Studio and Oracle Java Extension Toolkit.

Link to Application Pages

To link a page entry to one of your application pages, do these tasks:

  1. Select the Application Page link type.

  2. Enter the focus view ID of the target page.

  3. From the Web Application list, select the name of the web application.

    You entered this application name while creating this application using the Setup and Maintenance work area.

  4. For secured access to the target application page from the page entry, provide the secured resource name and the name of the policy store's application stripe. Here's an example of a secured resource name. oracle.apps.view.pageDefs.CaseList_Form_Attach_UIShellPagePageDef. When a user clicks the link, the application checks the secured resource and the Oracle Platform Security Services (OPSS) policy store. Then the application determines whether the user has the privilege to view the page.

    You can get the application stripe from the jps.policystore.applicationid parameter in the application's weblogic-application.xml file. Examples of application stripes are crm, fscm, and hcm.

  5. If the page takes parameters, then you can enter a semicolon-delimited string of name=value pairs (for example, org=m1;context=s1) in the Page Parameters List field.

    You can use Expression Language (EL) to specify the parameters. If the EL evaluates to an object, the toString value of that object is passed as the value of the parameter. An application page may display or act differently based on the parameters that are passed in. For example, if you're opening a page from one group on the home page or Navigator, the parameter might be set to status=Open, whereas if you're opening the page from another group, the parameter might be set to status=Closed.

Link to Dynamic URLs

You can link a page entry to an external website or application that has a frequently changing host, port, or context root. Instead of updating the link to each application, you can update the details of the web application registration. This change affects all page entries that contain dynamic links pointing to that web application.

For example, suppose you want to link to a test version of an application. So, you use the dynamic URL link type. When you move the application from the test to the production environment, just change the host and port details of the web application registration. This change affects all page entries that contain dynamic links pointing to the web application.

Before you start, make sure you add the application details on the Manage Integration of Additional Applications page to register the web application. These application details are used for configuring dynamic URL links for page entries.

To link a page entry to a dynamic URL:

  1. Select the Dynamic URL link type.

  2. From the Web Application list, select the web application name and enter the destination for the web application.

    Let's look at an example:

    Suppose you want to link to a complete URL, http://example:9011/myApp/faces/Page1. Here's what you can do.

    1. From the Web Application list, select myApp. This list displays the application names that were added using the Manage Integration of Additional Applications page. Once you select the application name, the full URL that was added for this application (for example, http://example:9011/myApp/) is automatically used as the start of the dynamic URL.

    2. Enter the destination for the web application, for example, /faces/Page1. This value is appended to the full URL.

After linking a page entry to a dynamic URL, when you click the page entry, the target page opens in a new browser window or tab.

Link to Static URLs

You can link a page entry to an external website or application that has a constant host, port, or context root.

To link a page entry to a static URL:

  1. Select the Static URL link type.

  2. Enter the URL destination. The URL must start with http:// or https://.

    For example, you can use a static URL to link to

Link to Static URLs with Secure Destinations

To link a page entry to a secure token URL of a partner application (that is, outside your application):

  1. Select the Static URL link type.

  2. Select Secure Destination.

  3. From the Web Application list, select the name of the web application.

  4. Enter the destination for the web application. An HTTPS protocol is required to access the application.

  5. Enter the name of the secure token. All secure tokens have a predefined lifetime, and they expire after that duration. So, users must refresh the page to regenerate the tokens.

The application validates the secure token and uses it to authenticate web services within the end user context. Using this mode of modified access, a partner can directly do a task or display information to the specific user without any additional authentication.

Link to VB Studio Pages

To link a page entry to one of your VB Studio pages, do these tasks:

If an existing page entry links to the same page that you want your new page entry to link to, you can enter the same details for all fields, except parameters. On the Navigation Configuration page, open the existing page to view the details, such as Focus View ID, Web Application, and Secured Resource Name. Then, fill in the fields for the new page entry on the Create Page Entry or Edit Page Entry page.

  1. Select the VB Studio Page link type.

  2. Enter the focus view ID of the target page.

    The focus view ID is the view ID of the Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications page. You can get this ID from the application’s root menu. Its value is determined by the application page that you link to.

    • If you're linking to VB apps, which has a URL that starts with fscmUI/redwood/, enter the focus view ID as /index.html.
      Note: For other VB apps, the focus view ID isn’t required. But, because it's a mandatory field on the UI, you need to enter the value as /index.html.
    • If you're linking to Fusion Applications, enter the focus view ID as /FndOverview.
  3. From the Web Application list, select the web application's name.


    You entered the web application name while creating this application using the Setup and Maintenance work area. If you're linking your application to VB apps, which has a URL that starts with fscmUI/redwood/, select ORA_FSCM UI. For other VB apps, select one of these, ORA FSCM UI, ORA HCM UI, or ORA CRM UI.

  4. Give the secured resource name and the application stripe name of the policy store for secured access to the target application page from the page entry.

    When you click the application link, the application checks the secured resource and the Oracle Platform Security Services (OPSS) policy store and then determines whether the user has the privilege to view the page.

    Here's an example of a secured resource name: oracle.apps.view.pageDefs.CaseList_Form_Attach_UIShellPagePageDef

    • To secure the custom page entry in the same way as an existing page entry, copy and paste the secured resource name value from a predefined page entry. You can’t create a new resource.
    • You can get the application stripe from the jps.policystore.applicationid parameter in the application's weblogic-application.xml file. Examples of application stripes are crm, fscm, and hcm.

  5. Enter the VB Studio flow that your VB page is grouped in.

  6. Enter the name of the product family that your VB Studio page belongs to.
    Note: If you're linking to VB apps, which has a URL that starts with fscmUI/redwood/, along with all the above parameters, you also need to enter values in the following fields:
    • In the VB App UI field, enter the web application UI name, which includes a UI component in the form of VB pages and flows. For example, /digital-sales.

    • In the VB Page Name field, enter the UI component of an application's UI that users interact with. For example, /p/mycustomers/salesday.
  7. If the page takes parameters, then you can enter a semicolon-delimited string of name=value pairs (for example, org=m1;context=s1) in the Page Parameters List field.
  8. You can use Expression Language (EL) to specify the parameters. If the EL evaluates to an object, the toString value of that object is passed as the value of the parameter. An application page may display or act differently based on the parameters that are passed in. For example, if you're opening a page from one group on the home page or Navigator, the parameter might be set to status=Open, whereas if you're opening the page from another group, the parameter might be set to status=Closed.