Modify Text Using User Interface Text Tool

You can use the User Interface Text tool to modify text in these application components.

  • User Interface Text, for example field names, page titles, help text (not links) in help windows

  • Multipart Validation Messages, for example error, validation, and warning messages defined in message dictionary

  • Global Menu Label Text, for example menu labels on the Navigator and home page

  • Enterprise Scheduler Text, for example the names and descriptions of scheduled processes

You can use this tool to modify or translate multiple strings at the same time. You can also export your strings to make your changes offline.

Note: To use the User Interface Text tool, make sure you have the Manage User Interface Text (FND_MANAGE_USER_INTERFACE_TEXT_PRIV) privilege.

Modify Text

  1. Create and activate a sandbox.

  2. Click Navigator > Configuration > User Interface Text.

  3. Click the Search and Replace tab, which is the default tab you see.

  4. In the Find field, enter the word or phrase you want to search for.

  5. In the Replace field, enter your replacement word or phrase.

  6. You can specify additional search parameters, such as Match Case or Match Complete Word or Phrase.

  7. Select the language in which you want to modify your text.

  8. Select types of application components you want to modify your text for.

  9. Click Search. The search results are grouped into different tabs based on the types of application components.


    Tabs marked with an asterisk (*) have live changes that are saved directly to the mainline metadata. You can't undo these changes once you save them. Make sure you review changes carefully before replacing your strings.

  10. Preview and adjust changes in your search results.

  11. If you aren't satisfied with the search results, you can do another search using the New Search button.

  12. Click Replace Strings. If you have live changes in your results, you get a warning message. Click Yes if you have reviewed these changes carefully and want to proceed.

  13. Test your changes in the sandbox.

  14. Publish your sandbox to merge your changes with the mainline metadata.

Preview and Adjust Changes in Search Results

You can preview your search results, which display the data sorted and presented on tabs based on the match categories. Data grids on each tab present the matches in rows. You can adjust each row independently. The grids on each tab are similar, but not identical.

Each row on all tabs includes these sets of information:

  • A preview of the existing text and the immediately surrounding text for context. You can't edit the existing view.

  • A preview of the replacement text and the immediately surrounding text for context. You can edit the preview.

  • An option to exclude the row and the specific match you see in the row from the change.

Here are some things you can do with the search results:

  • Select Exclude for specific strings that you don't want to change.

    For the User Interface Text tab, you can also select one of these options from the Exclude menu:

    • None: Don't exclude any result.

    • All: Exclude all results.

    • None (Page): Don't exclude any result on the page.

    • All (Page): Exclude all results on the page.

  • You can specify how many results you want to display on a page.

  • Manually edit your replacement text for specific strings.

    For instance, let's say you have a string that says "Generate a bill". If you replace "bill" with "invoice", this string becomes "Generate a invoice", which is incorrect. You can tune your replacement text for this string to say "Generate an invoice" by manually editing the text in the replacement text box.

  • For the User Interface Text component, you can click Export All to export your search results to view in a .csv file.

  • Query your search results in the User Interface Text component to find specific strings.

  • For each row on the Messages tab, you can click the Expand icon to expand the row and view the subordinate rows. The subordinate rows display the message subcomponent containing the search results and the preview.